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Clojure service implementing: Components, Reitit, Pedestal, Schema, PostgreSQL and Tests


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Clojure microservice implementing: Components, Reitit, Pedestal, Schema, PostgreSQL and Tests.

About this project

  • school-module: With ports and adapters architecture, this project is a simple school module that allows you to register and manipulate accounts payable (and receivable in the future - if possible).

  • parenthesin/components: Helpers and component wrappers to give a foundation to create new services in clojure, you can find components for database, http, webserver and tools for db migrations.

Verb URL Description
GET /swagger.json Fetch Swagger API documentation
POST /login Login with your username and password
GET /courses Get all courses transactions
POST /courses Add a new course entry
GET /courses/:id Get course transactions by ID
PUT /courses/:id Update a course entry by ID
DELETE /courses/:id Remove a course entry by ID
GET /students Get all students transactions
POST /students Add a new student entry
GET /students/:id Get student transactions by ID
PUT /students/:id Update a student entry by ID
DELETE /students/:id Remove a student entry by ID
GET /subjects Get all subjects transactions
POST /subjects Add a new subject entry
GET /subjects/:id Get subject transactions by ID
PUT /subjects/:id Update a subject entry by ID
DELETE /subjects/:id Remove a subject entry by ID
GET /attending Get all attending transactions
POST /attending Add a new attending entry
GET /attending/:id Get attending transactions by ID
PUT /attending/:id Update an attending entry by ID
DELETE /attending/:id Remove an attending entry by ID


To open a nrepl

clj -M:nrepl

To open a nrepl with all test extra-deps on it

clj -M:test:nrepl

Run Tests

To run unit tests inside ./test/unit

clj -M:test :unit

To run integration tests inside ./test/integration

clj -M:test :integration

To run all tests inside ./test

clj -M:test

To generate a coverage report

clj -M:test --plugin kaocha.plugin/cloverage

Lint fix and format

clj -M:clojure-lsp format
clj -M:clojure-lsp clean-ns
clj -M:clojure-lsp diagnostics


To create a new migration with a name

clj -M:migratus create migration-name

To execute all pending migrations

clj -M:migratus migrate

To rollback the latest migration

clj -M:migratus rollback

See Migratus Usage for documentation on each command.


Start containers with postgres user: postgres, password: postgres, hostname: db, port: 5432
and pg-admin email:, password: pg, port: 5433

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Stop containers

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml stop

Running the server

First you need to have the database running, for this you can use the docker command in the step above.


You can start a repl open and evaluate the file src/school_module/server.clj and execute following code:

(start-system! (build-system-map))


You can generate an uberjar and execute it via java in the terminal:

# genarate a target/service.jar
clj -T:build uberjar
# execute it via java
java -jar target/service.jar



Tests & Checks

Entity–relationship diagram

        uuid id PK "Primary key, unique identifier"
        boolean removed "Indicates if the course is removed"
        varchar name "Course name, max 255 chars"
        text description "Course description"
        timestamp created_at "Timestamp of course creation"

        uuid id PK "Primary key, unique identifier"
        boolean removed "Indicates if the student is removed"
        varchar name "Student name, max 255 chars"
        varchar document "Student document identifier"
        varchar email "Student email"
        varchar phone "Student phone number"
        timestamp created_at "Timestamp of student registration"

        uuid id PK "Primary key, unique identifier"
        boolean removed "Indicates if the subject is removed"
        varchar name "Subject name, max 255 chars"
        text description "Subject description"
        uuid courses_id FK "References COURSES(id)"
        timestamp created_at "Timestamp of subject creation"

        uuid id PK "Primary key, unique identifier"
        boolean removed "Indicates if the attendance is removed"
        uuid students_id FK "References STUDENTS(id)"
        uuid subjects_id FK "References SUBJECTS(id)"
        timestamp created_at "Timestamp of attendance creation"

    COURSES ||--o{ SUBJECTS : "contains"
    SUBJECTS ||--o{ ATTENDING : "has"
    STUDENTS ||--o{ ATTENDING : "attends"

Directory Structure

├── .clj-kondo -- clj-kondo configuration and classes
├── .lsp -- clojure-lsp configuration
├── .github
│   └── workflows -- Github workflows folder.
├── docker -- docker and docker-compose files for the database
├── resources -- Application resources assets folder and configuration files.
│   └── migrations -- Current database schemas, synced on service startup.
├── src -- Library source code and headers.
│   └── school_module -- Source for the service example.
└── test -- Test source code.
    ├── integration -- Integration tests source (uses state-flow).
    │   └── school_module -- Tests for service example.
    └── unit -- Unity tests source (uses clojure.test).
        └── school_module -- Tests for service example.


Official Template


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to


Clojure service implementing: Components, Reitit, Pedestal, Schema, PostgreSQL and Tests




