This library provides the ability to read a named or $all
stream from
EventStore and checkpoint back to a store of your choice.
The stream reader is created via. EventStoreSource.Run
which will return an
for either an AllStreamReader
or a NamedStreamReader
depending on the
This library has been plucked from a project I am working and is...
- Still a work-in-progress
- Is missing tests
- Has primarily been tested with reading from the
stream (AllStreamReader
). - May be missing auxiliary components (eg.
I'm hoping to remedy these points soon, but wanted to share the initial work.
The checkpointing implementation uses a generic ICheckpointer
which could use any
backend, but the library also provides an EventStoreCheckpointer
which implements
this interface.
Obviously, by using the same EventStore instance to read and write from, then
you must be careful not to cause an endless loop. This is where eventFilter
comes in.
This library is currently using the following pinned dependencies (via. the Paket package manager).
nuget EventStore.Client ~> 5
nuget protobuf-net == 2.4
Once the Equinox
packages use the new GRPC EventStore client, then I will look
at using it in this package. Until then, this is not possible as the two versions
will not coincide.
The following example is a simplified example from from the composition root in my projector:
let buildProjector cfg =
`cfg` is just a generic configuration record for the app
I make a bunch of separately configured `Serilog.ILoggers`, but you
can use the global logger if you prefer.
val makeLogger : name:string -> Serilog.ILogger
let makeConn connectionName =
let connector =
Equinox.EventStore.Connector (
username = cfg.Username,
password = cfg.Password,
reqTimeout = cfg.Timeout,
reqRetries = cfg.Retries,
heartbeatTimeout = cfg.HeartbeatTimeout,
log = Logger.SerilogVerbose ((makeLogger "Store").ForContext("source", connectionName)),
tags = [ "M", Environment.MachineName; "I", Guid.NewGuid () |> string ]
connector.Connect (connectionName, cfg.Discovery, cfg.NodePreference)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
let sink =
Propulsion.Streams.StreamsProjector.Start (
log = makeLogger "Projector",
maxReadAhead = cfg.MaxReadAhead,
maxConcurrentStreams = cfg.MaxConcurrentStreams,
statsInterval = cfg.StatsInterval,
handle = myHandler, // Your stream event handler
stats = stats
let checkpointer =
EventStoreCheckpointer (
(makeConn "checkpointer").WriteConnection,
logger = makeLogger "Checkpointer"
) :> ICheckpointer
let runSourcePipeline =
EventStoreSource.Run (
readerLogger = makeLogger "Reader",
statsLogger = makeLogger "Stats",
conn = makeConn "source",
startPosition = cfg.StartPosition,
checkpointer = checkpointer,
consumerGroup = cfg.ConsumerGroup,
maxBatchSize = cfg.MaxReadAhead,
sink = sink,
eventFilter = filterEvent, // ResolvedEvent -> bool
tailSleepInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5.,
statsInterval = cfg.StatsInterval,
streamType = cfg.StreamType
let main argv =
// Acquire any configuration
let cfg = getConfig ()
let sink, runSourcePipeline = buildProjector cfg
// Endless loop
let rec runLoop () = async {
match! Async.Catch runSourcePipeline with
| Choice1Of2 _ -> return ()
| Choice2Of2 ex ->
logger.Error (ex, "Exception in run loop: {ex}", ex.Message)
do! Async.Sleep 3_000
logger.Information ("Restarting run loop")
return! runLoop ()
runLoop () |> Async.Start
sink.AwaitCompletion () |> Async.RunSynchronously
if sink.RanToCompletion then 0 else 1