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Welcome to the sw-df-untar-gcs repository. This is an integral part of the ACEP SW Data Pipeline, responsible for handling the data extraction flow upon receipt of a notification for a new .tar.gz file in the GCP bucket.

For a broader context of the entire system and how this repository functions within it, please visit the ACEP SW Data Pipeline Overview repository.

The sw-df-gcs-ps-bq is a Dataflow job designed to monitor a Pub/Sub topic for file metadata, extract and transfer these files from a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to a specified destination bucket, and subsequently publish a summary of the operation to another Pub/Sub topic.

Beam Job


The provided script is an Apache Beam pipeline intended to process files based on events from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic. The pipeline's data flow can be summarized as follows:

  1. Listening to Pub/Sub topic: The pipeline subscribes to a Pub/Sub topic specified by the user. Each message on this topic triggers the pipeline, with the message attributes containing metadata about the file to process.

  2. File processing: After the pipeline is triggered, it processes the file whose details were provided in the Pub/Sub message. The processing involves unzipping a .tar.gz file from a source Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, writing the unzipped files to a destination GCS bucket, and preparing a message payload with metadata about the processing.

  3. Publishing to another Pub/Sub topic: After the file is processed, a summary of the operation (including details about the project, dataset, table, source and destination bucket, file size, and the original date from the filename) is published to another Pub/Sub topic.

Let's go deeper into the two main classes used in this script:

ProcessFile class: This class defines a DoFn (a basic unit of processing in Beam) that represents the file processing logic. In the process method, the function:

  • Receives an event message containing details about a .tar.gz file stored in a GCS bucket.
  • Checks the file size, unzips the .tar.gz file, and writes the unzipped files to a specified destination bucket.
  • Validates the top-level directory name inside the tar file (expecting it to follow a YYYY_MM_DD format) and logs any invalid directories.
  • Upon successful processing, generates a message payload containing details about the operation and the file processed.

ReadAndProcessFiles class: This class extends the PTransform class in Beam, which allows it to be used as a composite transform in a pipeline. It is composed of three main stages:

  • Reading messages from the Pub/Sub topic specified by the user.
  • Processing these files using the ProcessFile DoFn.
  • Writing the generated messages to another Pub/Sub topic.

The main function of the script is where the pipeline is constructed and run. It fetches command line arguments, sets up the pipeline options, and applies the ReadAndProcessFiles transform to the pipeline. The output topic is passed as a parameter to the ReadAndProcessFiles transform, thus allowing the messages to be published after processing the files.

In summary, this script listens to a Pub/Sub topic for messages containing file metadata, processes these files by unzipping and storing their contents in a destination bucket, and publishes a summary of the operation to another Pub/Sub topic.


Deploy this Cloud Function by running the shell script:


This script sources the eiedeploy.env configuration file and sets up the required environment variables for the Apache Beam pipeline using dataflowrunner:


# Ensure the script stops on first error
set -e

# Source the .env file
 source eiedeploy.env

# Install required packages
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
pip install -e .

# Run the Apache Beam pipeline with DataflowRunner
python src/ \
  --runner $RUNNER \
  --project $PROJECT_ID \
  --destination_bucket $DESTINATION_BUCKET \
  --table $TABLE_NAME \
  --topic $TOPIC \
  --output_topic $OUTPUT_TOPIC \
  --region $REGION \
  --temp_location $TEMP_LOCATION \
  --staging_location $STAGING_LOCATION \
  --job_name $JOB_NAME \
  --setup_file $SETUP_FILE \

.env File Configuration

Before deploying the Dataflow job, ensure that the eiedeploy.env file is appropriately configured, as the deployment script sources this file. The file should define values for:


Replace <value> with the necessary values for your deployment.

Environment Variable Descriptions

Below are descriptions for each environment variable used in the deployment script:

  • RUNNER= <value>:

    • Description: Specifies the runner for the Apache Beam pipeline. For Dataflow, this will be DataflowRunner.
  • PROJECT_ID = <value>:

    • Description: This is the ID of your Google Cloud project. You can find this in the Home Dashboard of your Google Cloud Console, it will be displayed under the project name.
  • REGION = <value>:

    • Description: This is the region where you want your Dataflow job to run.

    • Description: This is the name of the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket where the untarred files will be stored.
  • STAGING_LOCATION = <value>:

    • Description: This is the location in GCS where temporary files will be stored during the execution of the Dataflow job. It is often a path within the bucket specified in DESTINATION_BUCKET.
  • TEMP_LOCATION = <value>:

    • Description: This is the location in GCS where additional temporary files will be stored during the execution of the Dataflow job. It's typically similar to STAGING_LOCATION.
  • TOPIC = <value>:

    • Description: This is the Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic that the pipeline will subscribe to in order to receive messages.
  • OUTPUT_TOPIC = <value>:

    • Description: This is the Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic to which the pipeline will publish messages.
  • TABLE_NAME = <value>:

    • Description: This is the name of the BigQuery table that will be used by the pipeline.
  • JOB_NAME = <value>:

    • Description: The name of the Dataflow job.
  • SETUP_FILE = <value>:

    • Description: The setup file path, usually it's ./


The Cloud Function's dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file, and also referenced in the file. Dependencies include:

  • apache-beam[gcp]
  • google-cloud-pubsub
  • google-cloud-storage
  • google-cloud-bigquery


The sw-df-untar-gcs repository provides an essential module for the ACEP SW Data Pipeline, focusing on efficiently processing and managing incoming .tar.gz files in the GCP environment. It showcases the synergy between various GCP services, such as Pub/Sub, Google Cloud Storage, and Apache Beam's capabilities in the form of Dataflow.

Your feedback and contributions to improve and enhance this repository are always welcomed. As we believe in open-source collaboration, this repository is made available under the MIT License. We encourage you to go through the LICENSE file in the repository's root for detailed terms and conditions.

Thank you for your interest and support. We hope this solution aids you in your data processing endeavors on GCP!


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