I am a captain of the R.O.K. Army and a Ph.D. student at Korea University. I have experience in both security research and security engineering while working at ADD and R.O.K. Cyber Operations Command. Throughout my career, my main focus has been the integration of AI and security. In particular, I would like to apply AI to offensive security. To this end, academically, I am interested in AI-assisted fuzzing. Practically, I am interested in AI-assisted penetration testing. Recently, I started researching on finding vulnerabilities in smart contracts. More
- Programming Languages: Proficient - C/C++, Python, Java, Occasional - Java, JavaScript, Node.js, R, Solidity, Rust
- Cloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud
- Frameworks/Tools: AFL, Pintool, Burp suite, IDA, WinDBG, PyTorch, TensorFlow, React, Git, MongoDB