An extension to anybox.recipe.odoo that generates Odoo projects for the Eclipse PyDev IDE.
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This buildout recipe is an extension to the fully featured recipe developed by Anybox: anybox.recipe.odoo.
It generates a ready-to-use Eclipse PyDev Project, pointing to all dependencies required to develop, run and debug your Odoo server as well as your own addons.
The generated project is fully configured, including a preset PYTHONPATH so as to support debugging, pep8 import checks, auto completion
Since the recipe is an extension to anybox.recipe.odoo, the first step, if not done,
is to add your anybox.recipe.odoo, configuration to buildout.cfg
and include it in ${buildout:parts}
An example:
[buildout] ... parts = ... openerp [openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.odoo:server version = git odoo 7.0 addons = ... ....
Another example using git and Odoo V8:
[buildout] ... parts = ... openerp [openerp] recipe = anybox.recipe.odoo[bzr]:server version = git odoo 8.0 addons = ... ....
A good practice is to use the inheritance mechanism of buildout to define your
development environment in an other file such as devel.cfg
[buildout] extends = buildout.cfg parts = ... pydevproject [pydevproject] <= openerp recipe = acsone.recipe.odoo.pydev project-name = my_project_name python-version = python 2.7 python-interpreter = Default eggs += any_additional_egg_you_want
Then prepare your virtualenv and install zc.buildout
$ virtualenv
$ bin/pip install zc.buildout
To run the recipe and generate your project, run
$ bin/buildout install pydevproject
The launch eclipse, import the project and you are ready to go. To debug, use bin/start_openerp_pydev in the eclipse debug configuration.
These match the options of a PyDev Project.
- name
- The project name. This is just for Eclipse and can be anything you want.
- python-version
- The combination of interpreter and grammar version. E.g. python 2.7 (default is python 2.7)
- python-interpreter
- The interpreter name, as configured in the the Eclipse Preferences for PyDev. Usually Default is fine. (default is Default)
In addition to the startup scripts and configuration file generated by anybox.recipe.odoo., this recipe generates the two files that define a PyDev Project:
- .project
- .pydevproject.
While eggs and their dependencies are declared as external libraries, the server and its addons are declared as source folders. In the same time, the recipe uses in background the collective.recipe.omelette recipe to build a unified directory structure of declared addons, symlinking to the actual contents, in order to allow proper pep8 check and auto completion. This directory structure is also declared as external dependency to avoid confusion between source folder and the unified directory structure.
It's a know issue that when same addons are both in the PYTHONPATH and addons_path (it's the case with the generated project definition), it's not possible to start the server due to import errors. To avoid this problem, the recipe adds to the generated scripts , specific code to remove parts of sys.path that are also in addons_path.