Udacity's nano-degree on robotics software development that includes various projects on ROS and Gazebo to learn how to intensively work with ROS packages and simulations.
Build a Gazebo world that includes working with the model editor and building editor to make custom models and buildings and writing Plug-Ins.
Build a model of two wheeled robot using the URDF format and write various nodes for ROS in C++ such that whenever a white ball is present in the camera's field of view, the robot will chase it.
Use the Adaptive Monte Carlo Localisation package in ROS to know the location of your robot as it moves around in your world.
Use Rtabmp_ros package to perform SLAM and move a robot around an environment and accurately map it to create 2D and 3D maps.
Simulate a robot that travels from a start point to a pick up zone, simulates the pick up of a virtual object and then navigates its way back to the drop zone.