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icagent update issue

nathan-opscode edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 1 revision

architecture => amd64 
debianversion => etch 
facterversion => 1.3.8 
hardwaremodel => x86_64 
kernel => Linux 
kernelrelease => 
operatingsystem => Debian 
operatingsystemrelease => 
processor0 => Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz 
rubysitedir => /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8 
rubyversion => 1.8.5

at second run to update information in iclassify, icagent fails complaining about not beeing authorized. 
there is no other option to authenticate the icagent, except the uuid and that one seems not to be working: 

# bin/icagent -r icagent/00_facter.rb -s http://iclassifyserver/iclassify -u icagent.uuid 
./bin/../lib/iclassify/agent.rb:47:in `throw': uncaught throw `401 "Unauthorized"' (NameError) 
        from ./bin/../lib/iclassify/agent.rb:47:in `load' 
        from bin/icagent:71 

this happens when using the most recent git version.

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