This is my dot matrix clock made with ESP8266 WiFi capable MCU. Accurate time signal is acquired from NTP and weather information is available through API.
- 24 hour time display
- NTP sync
- Optional weather data from API
- Outside temperature display
- Wind speed display
- Wind direction display
- DST support (automatic change)
- Over the Air (OTA) firmware upgrade capability
- WifiManager Soft AP configuration interface
- ESP8266 board (recommended: NodeMCU/compatible see BOM)
- MAX7219 based LED matrix display (order from China)
- Openweathermap account (optional)
- PlatformIO
Current weather is displayed 3 times per minute for 4 seconds.
- NodeMCU v3 board
- MAX7219 based LED matrix
- Micro usb to USB cable
- Female-female dupont cable 5pcs (usually comes with the display)
NodeMCU 3.3V -> Matrix Vcc
NodeMCU GND -> Matrix GND
NodeMCU D8 -> Matrix DIN
NodeMCU D7 -> Matrix CS
NodeMCU D6 -> Matrix CLK
- Download and install PlatformIO
- Optionally read
PlatformIO automatically downloads all required libraries, boards, and configures your environment.
Optional steps for weather info functionality
- Register an account
- Get your API key at:
- Find your location/city id on here:
Changes in file main.cpp needed for weather functionality
- Add your api key from openweathermap: uncomment define WEATHERKEY
- Add your city id from same
- Save file
PlatformIO serial
platformio run --target upload
PlatformIO OTA
platformio run -t upload --upload-port <IP address of ESP>
Latest version of the Firmware uses the WifiManager library by tzapu to setup the clock
If no known WiFi AP is nearby, the clock starts the config portal
Connect to SSID: "MatrixAP"
Point your browser to
Follow instructions to configure your SSID, pass, API key and CityID
To manually force config AP mode, short D5 pin on NodeMCU to ground to enter
Obsolete config instructions for the serial version:
- If the clock fails to connect to an AP it will ask for credentials
- Run serial monitor (Arduino IDE) or minicom/putty, etc at 9600 bps
- Type in your own Wifi credentials
- Dimmable display brightness (request)
- Multiple NTP time-zone support
- bugfix, testing
- Vajk for beta testing & original HOWTO
- William Moeur for NTP code