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⛅ AWS Serverless - Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, Lambda, Step Functions, API Gateway, RDS, DynamoDB, ElephantSQL, CI/CD, CloudFormation, S3 Notifications, SNS, SQS, Cognito, Lambda Crons, CORS, Apache VTL (Velocity Template Language), Swagger, KMS, VPCs, DLQs, CloudWatch, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, CloudFront, OICD, Kinesis, MQTT, IoT…

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About This Project

Serverless Framework with AWS & Node.JS..

- Technologies Used :
Serverless Framework AWS SAM AWS Lambda Step Functions
API Gateway RDS DynamoDB ElephantSQL
CloudFormation CI/CD CloudWatch CodeCommit
CodeBuild CodePipeline S3 Notifications SNS
SQS Cognito Lambda Crons CORS
Apache VTL Swagger KMS VPCs
DLQs CloudFront OIDC Kinesis
MQTT IoT Elastic Beanstalk ElastiCache
+ And lot more..


Aditya Hajare (Linkedin).

Current Status

WIP (Work In Progress)!

Important Notes


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


  • Every AWS account comes with a default VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).
  • At the moment, AWS Lambda Function can run upto a maximum of 15 Minutes.
  • Returning HTTP responses from AWS Lambda allows us to integrate them with Lambda Proxy Integration for API Gateway.
  • A Step Function can run upto a maximum period of 1 Year.
  • Step Functions allows us to combine different Lambda Functions to build Serverless Applications and Microservices.
  • There could be different reasons why you may want to restrict your Lambda Function to run within a given VPC. For e.g.
    • You may have an Amazon RDS instance running on EC2 inside your VPC and you want to connect to that instance through Lambda without exposing it to outside world. In that case, your Lambda Function must run inside that VPC.
    • When a Lambda Function is attached to any VPC, it automatically loses access to the internet. Unless ofcourse you open a Port on your VPC Security Group to allow Outbound Connections.
    • While attaching Lambda Function to VPC, we must select at least 2 Subnets. Although we can choose more Subnets if we like.
    • When we are using Serverless Framework, all this including assigning necessary permissions etc. is taken care of automatically by the Serverless Framework.
  • Tags are useful for organising and tracking our billing.
  • Serverless Computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of infrastructure resources. So we don't have to worry about managing the servers or any of the infrastructure.
  • AWS Lambda is an Event Driven serverless computing platform or a Compute Service provided by AWS.
  • The code that we run on AWS Lambda is called a Lambda Function.
  • Lambda Function executes whenever it is triggered by a pre-configured Event Source.
  • Lambda Functions can be triggered by numerous event sources like:
    • API Gateway.
    • S3 File Uploads.
    • Changes to DynamoDB table data.
    • CloudWatch events.
    • SNS Notifications.
    • Third Party APIs.
    • IoT Devices.
    • And so on..
  • Lambda Functions run in Containerized Environments.
  • We are charged only for the time our Lambda Functions are executing.
  • No charge for Idle Time.
  • Billing is done in increments of 100 ms of the Compute Time.
  • AWS Lambda uses decoupled Permissions Model.
  • AWS Lambda supports 2 Invocation Types:
    • Synchronous.
    • Asynchronous.
  • Invocation Type of AWS Lambda depends on the Event Source. For e.g.
    • API Gateway or Cognito event is Synchronous.
    • S3 Event is always Asynchronous.
  • pathParameters and queryStringParameters are the pre-defined attributes of API Gateway AWS Proxy Event.
  • AWS API Gateway expects Lambda function to return well formed http response instead of just the data or just the response body. At the bare-minimum, our response must have statusCode and body. For e.g.
            "statusCode" : 200,
            "body": {
                "message": "Hello Aditya"
  • Typical code to build above response:
        return {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify({message: "Hello Aditya"});
  • Lambda Versioning:
    • When we don't explicitely create an user version, Lambda will use the $LATEST version.
    • The latest version is always denoted by $LATEST.
    • The last edited version is always marked as $LATEST one.
  • (Without using Lambda Aliases) How to use different version of Lambda Function in API Gateway? Bad Way!
    1. Under AWS Console, go to API Gateway.
    2. Click on Request (GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE) under Resource.
    3. Click on Integration Request.
    4. Configure Lambda Function setting with a value of version seperated by colon.
    5. Re-deploy the API.
    6. For e.g.
          // Lambda Function name: adiTest
          // Available Lambda Function versions: v1, v2, v3 ..etc.
          // To use v2 for API Gateway GET Request, set Lambda Function value as below:
              "Lambda Function": "adiTest:2"
  • Need for Lambda Aliases:
    • Without Lambda Aliases, whenever we publish a new Lambda Version, we will manually have to edit API Gateway to use new Lambda Version and then republish the API (Refer to above steps).
    • Everytime we publish a new Lambda Version, API Gateway should automatically pick up the change without we having to re-deploy the API. Lambda Aliases helps us achive this.
  • Lambda Aliases:
    • It's a good practice to create 1 Lambda Alias per Environment. For e.g. We could have aliases for dev, production, stage etc. environments.
    • While configuring Lambda Alias, we can use Additional Version setting for Split Testing.
    • Split Testing allows us to split user traffic between multiple Lambda Versions.
    • To use Lambda Alias in API Gateway, we simply have to replace Version Number (Seperated by colon) under Lambda Function setting (in API Gateway settings), with an Alias.
    • Re-deploy the API.
    • For e.g.
          // Lambda Function name: adiTest
          // Available Lambda Function versions: v1, v2, v3 ..etc.
          // Available Lambda Function aliases: dev, stage, prod ..etc.
          // Aliases are pointing to following Lambda versions:
              "dev": "v1",
              "stage": "v2",
              "prod": "$LATEST"
          // To use v2 for API Gateway GET Request, set Lambda Function value as below:
              "Lambda Function": "adiTest:stage"
  • Stage Variables in API Gateway:
    • Everytime we make changes to API Gateway, we don't want to update the Alias Name in every Lambda Function before deploying the corrosponding Stage. To address this challenge, we can make use of what is called as Stage Variables in API Gateway.
    • Stage Variables can be used for various puposes like:
      • Choosing backend database tables based on environment.
      • For dynamically choosing Lambda Alias corrosponding to the current Stage.
      • Or any other configuration.
    • Stage Variables are available inside context object of Lambda Function.
    • Since Stage Variables are available inside context object, we can also use them in Body Mapping Templates.
    • Stage Variables can be used as follows:
      • Inside API Gateway Resource Configuration, to choose Lambda Function Alias corrosponding to the current stage:
          // Use ${stageVariables.variableName}
              "Lambda Function": "myFunction:${stageVariables.variableName}"
  • Canary Deployment:
    • Related to API Gateways.
    • Used for traffic splitting between different versions in API Gateways.
    • Use Promote Canary option to direct all traffic to latest version once our testing using traffic splitting is done.
    • After directing all traffic to latest version using Promote Canary option, we can choose to Delete Canary once we are sure.
  • Encryption For Environment Variables In Lambda:
    • By default Lambda uses default KMS key to encrypt Environment Variables.
    • AWS Lambda has built-in encryption at rest and it's enabled by default.
    • When our Lambda uses Environment Variables they are automatically encrypted by Default KMS Key.
    • When the Lambda function is invoked, Environment Variables are automatically decrypted and made available in Lambda Function's code.
    • However, this only takes care of Encryption at rest. But during Transit for e.g. when we are deploying the Lambda Function, these Environment Variables are still transferred in Plain Text.
    • So, if Environment Variables posses sensitive information, we can enable Encryption in transit.
    • If we enable Encryption in transit then Environment Variable Values will be masked using KMS Key and we must decrypt it's contents inside Lambda Functions to get the actual values stored in variables.
    • While creating KMS Keys, be sure to choose the Region same as our Lambda Function's Region.
    • Make sure to give our Lambda Function's Role a permission to use KMS Key feature inside KMS Key's policy.
  • Retry Behavior in AWS Lambda:
    • Lambda Functions have built-in Retry Behavior. i.e. When a Lambda Functions fails, AWS Lambda automatically attempts to retry the execution up to 2 Times if it was invoked Asynchronously (Push Events).
    • A lambda function could fail for different reasons such as:
      • Logical or Syntactical error in Lambda Function's code.
      • Network outage.
      • A lambda function could hit the timeout.
      • A lambda function run out of memory.
      • And so on..
    • When any of above things happen, Lambda function will throw an Exception. How this Exception is handled depends upon how the Lambda Function was invoked i.e. Synchronously or Asynchronously (Push Events).
    • If the Lambda Function was invoked Asynchronously (Push Events) then AWS Lambda will automatically retry up to 2 Times (With some time delays in between) on execution failure.
    • If we configure a DLQ (Dead Letter Queue), it will collect the Payload after subsequent retry failures i.e. after 2 Attempts.
    • If a function was invoked Synchronously then calling application will receive HTTP 429 error when function execution fails.
    • If a DLQ (Dead Letter Queue) is not configured for Lambda Function, it will discard the event after 2 retry attempts.
  • Container Reuse:
    • Lambda Function executes in Containerized Environments.
    • Whenever we create or update a Lambda Function i.e. either the function code or configuration, AWS Lambda creates a new Container.
    • Whenever Lambda Function is executed first time i.e. after we create it or update, AWS Lambda creates a new Container.
    • Once the Lambda Function execution is finished, AWS Lambda will shut down the Container after a while.
    • Code written outside Lambda Handler will be executed once per Container. For e.g.
          // Below code will be executed once per container.
          const AWS = require('aws-sdk);
          AWS.config.update({ region: 'ap-south-1' });
          const s3 = new AWS.S3();
          // Below code (code inside Lambda handler) will be executed everytime Lambda Function is invoked.
          exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
              return "Hello Aditya";
    • It's a good practice to write all initialisation code outside the Lambda Handler.
    • If you have written any file in \tmp and a Container is reused for Lambda Function Execution, that file will be available in subsequent invocations.
    • It will result in faster executions whenever Containers are reused.
    • We do not have any control over when AWS Lambda will reuse the Container or when it won't.
    • If we are spawning any background processes in Lambda Functions, they will be executed only until Lambda Handler returns a response. Other time they will stay Frozen.
  • Running a Lambda Function inside a VPC will result in Cold Starts. VPC also introduce some delay before a function could execute which could result in Cold Start.
  • Resource Policies gets applied at the API Gateway level whereas IAM Policies gets applied at the User/Client level.

Architecture Patterns - Multi Tier

  • Most common architecture pattern that we almost find everywhere irrespective of whether we are using servers or going serverless.
  • The most common form of Multi-Tier Architecture is the 3-Tier Architecture. Even the Serverless form will have same 3-Tiers as below:
    • Frontend/Presentation Tier.
    • Application/Logic Tier.
    • Database/Data Tier.
  • In Serverless 3-Tier Architecture,
    • Database/Data Tier.
      • The Database/Data Tier will contain the databases (Data Stores) like DynamoDB.
      • Data Stores falls into 2 categories:
        • IAM Enabled data stores (over AWS APIs). These data stores allows applications to connect to them through AWS APIs. For e.g. DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon ElasticSearch Service etc.
        • VPC Hosted data stores (using database credentials). These data stores runs in hosted instances within a VPC. For e.g. Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon ElastiCache. And ofcourse we can install any database of our choice on EC2 and use it here. For e.g. we can run a MongoDB instance on EC2 and connect to it through Serverless Lambda Functions.
    • Application/Logic Tier.
      • This is where the core business logic of our Serverless Application runs.
      • This is where core AWS Services like AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Amazon Cognito etc. come into play.
    • Frontend/Presentation Tier.
      • This tier interacts with backend through Application/Logic Tier.
      • For e.g. Frontend could use API Gateway Endpoint to call Lambda Functions which inturn interacts with data stores available in the Database/Data Tier.
      • API Gateway Endpoints can be consumed by variety of applications such as Web Apps like static websites hosted on S3, Mobile Application Frontends, Voice Enabled Devices Like Alexa or different IoT Devices.

Architecture Patterns - Microservices

  • Typical use case of Serverless Architecture is the Microservices Architecture Pattern.
  • The Microservices Architecture Pattern is an approach to developing single application as a suit of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, ofteb ab HTTP resource API.
  • These services are built around business capabilities and are independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery.
  • There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
  • The core idea of a Microservices Architecture is to take a complex system and break it down into independent decoupled services that are easy to manage and extend. These services communicate over well defined APIs and are often owned by small self-contained teams.
  • Microservices Architecture makes applications easy to scale and faster to develop, enabling innovation and accelerating time to market for new features.
  • Each Service performs a single specific function. And because they are running independently, each Service can be updated, deployed and scaled to meet the demands of the application.

Architecture Patterns - Multi Provider Serverless

  • Newer and slowly emmerging pattern.
  • This is all about reducing dependents on 1 specific cloud provider and making our application even more resilient.
  • There are several big companies today that offers Serverless Compute Services like AWS Lambda. Some of the companies which are offering this service are Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure Functions, IBM Cloud Functions etc.
  • When we choose Cloud Provider, we kind of gets locked in to continue using services offered by that particular Cloud Provider.
  • For building Cloud Provider Agnostic Serverless Applications or in other words - for building Multi Provider Serverless Applications, we can make use of Serverless Framework.
  • For building Multi Provider Serverless Applications, the team behind the Serverless Framework offers a solution called as Event Gateway
  • Event Gateway is an open source tool and it is part of their offering called Serverless Platform.
  • The Event Gateway allows us to react to any event with Serverless Functions hosted on different Cloud Providers.
  • Event Gateway also allows us to send events from different Cloud Providers and we can react to these events using Serverless Functions from any Cloud Provider.
  • Event Gateway tool is still under heavy development and not production ready yet (Today is 11 March 2020).

AWS Lambda Limits

Resource Default Limit
Concurrent executions 1,000
Function and layer storage 75 GB
Elastic network interfaces per VPC 250
Function memory allocation 128 MB to 3,008 MB, in 64 MB increments.
Function timeout 900 seconds (15 minutes)
Function environment variables 4 KB
Function resource-based policy 20 KB
Function layers 5 layers
Function burst concurrency 500 - 3000 (varies per region)
Invocation frequency (requests per second) 10 x concurrent executions limit (synchronous – all sources) 10 x concurrent executions limit (asynchronous – non-AWS sources) Unlimited (asynchronous – AWS service sources
Invocation payload (request and response) 6 MB (synchronous) 256 KB (asynchronous)
Deployment package size 50 MB (zipped, for direct upload) 250 MB (unzipped, including layers) 3 MB (console editor)
Test events (console editor) 10
/tmp directory storage 512 MB
File descriptors 1,024
Execution processes/threads 1,024


  • Datatypes:
    • Scaler: Represents exactly one value.
      • For e.g. String, Number, Binary, Boolean, null.
      • Keys or Index attributes only support String, Number and Binary scaler types.
    • Set: Represents multiple Scaler values.
      • For e.g. String Set, Number Set and Binary Set.
    • Document: Represents complex structure with nested attributes.
      • Fo e.g. List and Map.
  • String datatype can store only non-empty values.
  • Maximum data for any item in DynamoDB is limited to 400kb. Note: Item represents the entire row (like in RDBMS) of data.
  • Sets are unordered collection of either Strings, Numbers or Binary values.
    • All values must be of same scaler type.
    • Do not allow duplicate values.
    • No empty sets allowed.
  • Lists are ordered collection of values.
    • Can have multiple data types.
  • Maps are unordered collection of Key-Value pairs.
    • Ideal for storing JSON documents in DynamoDB.
    • Can have multiple data types.
  • DynamoDB supports 2 types of Read Operations (Read Consistency):
    • Strong Consistency:
      • The most up-to-date data.
      • Must be requested explicitely.
    • Eventual Consistency:
      • May or may not reflect the latest copy of data.
      • This is the default consistency for all operations.
      • 50% Cheaper than Strongly Consistent Read operation.
  • Internally, DynamoDB stores data in Partitions.
  • Partitions are nothing but Blocks of memory.
  • A table can have 1 or more partitions depending on it's size and throughput.
  • Each Partition in DynamoDB can hold maximum 10GB of data.
  • Partitioning e.g.:
    • For 500 RCU and 500 WCU ---> 1 Partition.
    • For 1000 RCU and 1000 WCU ---> 2 Partitions.
  • For Table level operations, we need to instantiate and use DynamoDB class from aws-sdk:
        const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
        AWS.config.update({ region: 'ap-south-1' });
        const dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB(); // Instantiating DynamoDB class for table level operations.
        dynamoDB.listTables({}, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
  • For Item level operations, we need to instantiate and use DocumentClient from DynamoDB class from aws-sdk:
        const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
        AWS.config.update({ region: 'ap-south-1' });
        const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); // Instantiate and use DocumentClient class for Item level operations.
            TableName: 'adi_notes_app',
            Item: {
                user_id: 'test123',
                timestamp: 1,
                title: 'Test Note',
                content: 'Test Note Content..'
        }, (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
  • batchWrite() method allows us to perform multiple write operations (e.g. Put, Update, Delete) in one go.
  • Conditional writes in DynamoDB are idempotent. i.e. If we make same conditional write requests multiple times, only the first request will be considered.
  • document.query() allows us to fetch items from a specific partition.
  • document.scan() allows us to fetch items from all partitions.
  • Pagination:
    • At a time, any document.query() or document.scan() operation can return maximum 1mb data in a single request.
    • If our query/scan operation has more records to return (after exceeding 1mb limit), we will receive LastEvaluatedKey key in the response.
    • LastEvaluatedKey is simply an object containing Index Attribute of the next item up which the response was returned.
    • In order to retrieve further records, we must pass LastEvaluatedKey value under ExclusiveStartKey attribute in our subsequent query.
    • If there is no LastEvaluatedKey attribute present in DynamoDB query/scan response, it means we have reached the last page of data.
  • DynamoDB Streams:
    • In simple words, its a 24 Hours Time-ordered Log.
    • DynamoDB Streams maintain a Time-Ordered Log of all changes in a given DynamoDB Table.
    • This log stores all the Write Activity that took place in the last 24 hrs.
    • Whenever there are any changes made into DynamoDB Table and if DynamoDB Stream is enabled for that table, these changes will be returned to the Streams.
    • There are several ways to consume and process data from DynamoDB Streams:
      • We can use Kinesis Adapter along with Kinesis Client Library. Kinesis is platform for processing High Volume streaming data on AWS.
      • We can also make use of DynamoDB Streams SDK to work with DynamoDB Streams.
      • AWS Lambda Triggers also allows us to work with DynamoDB Streams. This approach is much easy and intuitive. DynamoDB Streams will invoke Lambda Functions based on changes received by them.

AWS Step Functions

  • AWS Step Functions are the logical progression of AWS Lambda Functions.
  • With Step Functions we can create visual workflows to co-ordinate or orchestrate different Lambda Functions to work together.
  • A Step Function can run upto a maximum period of 1 Year.
  • We can use Step Functions to automate routine jobs like deployments, upgrades, migrations, patches and so on.
  • Step Functions allows us to combine different Lambda Functions to build Serverless Applications and Microservices.
  • Just like Lambda Functions, there is no need to provision any resources or infrastructure to Step Functions.
  • We simply use ASL (Amazon Step Language) to define the workflows. It's a JSON based structured language. We use this language to define various steps as well as different connections and interactions between these steps in Step Functions.
  • The resulting workflow is called as the State Machine.
  • State Machine is displayed in a graphical form just like a flowchart.
  • State Machines also has built-in error handling mechanisms. We can retry operations based on different errors or conditions.
  • Billing is on Pay as you go basis. We only pay for the trasitions between Steps.
  • task step allows us to invoke Lambda Function from our State Machine
  • activity step allows us to run any code on EC2 Instances. It is similar to task step just that activity step is not Serverless kind of step.
  • Whenever any Step in State Machine fails, entire State Machine fails. Here Steps as in Lambda Functions or any errors or exceptions received by Step.
  • We can also use CloudWatch Rules to execute a State Machine.
  • We can use Lambda Function to trigger State Machine Execution. The advantage of this approach is that Lambda Functions support many triggers for their invocation. So we have numerous options to trigger Lambda Function and our Lambda Function will trigger State Machine Execution using AWS SDK.
  • While building State Machine and if it has any Lambda Functions (task states), always specify TimeoutSeconds option to make sure our State Machine doesn't get stuck or hung.
  • In State Machine, catch field is used to specify Error Handling Catch Mechanism.


  • AWS SAM Serverless Application Model.
  • AWS SAM is just a simplified version of CloudFormation Templates.
  • It seemlessly integrates into AWS Deployment Tools like CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline etc.
  • It provides CLI to build, test and deploy Serverless Applications.
  • Every SAM Template begins with :
        AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
        Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
  • To deploy SAM application using CloudFormation Commands (Instead of using SAM CLI):
    • It involves 2 Steps:
      • Package application and push it to S3 Bucket. This step requires S3 Bucket to be created in prior to running CloudFormation Package command.
      • Deploy packaged application.
    • Step 1: We need an S3 Bucket created before we deploy. If we don't have one, then create it using following command:
          aws s3 mb s3://aditya-sam-app
    • Step 2: Package application:
          aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file output-sam-template.yaml --s3-bucket aditya-sam-app
    • Step 3: Deploy application (Here, we will be using generated output SAM template file):
          aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output-sam-template.yaml --stack-name aditya-sam-app-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  • To generate SAM project boilerplate from sample app:
        sam init --runtime nodejs12.x
  • To execute Lambda Function locally with SAM CLI:
        # -e to pass event data to Lambda Function. This file must be present in the current location.
        sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction -e events/event.json
        # Alternatively, we can pass event data inline within the command by simply piping it as below. Here we are sending empty event data to Lambda Function.
        echo '{}' | sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction
  • SAM CLI also allows to invoke Lambda Functions locally from within our application code. To do so, we have to start Lambda Service locally using SAM CLI:
        sam local start-lambda
  • To run API Gateway service locally:
    • Navigate to folder where our SAM Template is located (e.g. template.yaml).
    • Execute following command to run API Gateway Service locally:
          sam local start-api
  • To validate SAM Template locally,
    • Navigate to folder where our SAM Template is located (e.g. template.yaml).
    • Execute following command to validate SAM Template locally:
          sam validate
  • To deploy application using SAM CLI:
    • It involves 2 Steps:
      • Package application and push it to S3 Bucket. This step requires S3 Bucket to be created in prior to running SAM Package command.
      • Deploy packaged application.
    • Step 1: We need an S3 Bucket created before we deploy. If we don't have one, then create it using following command:
          aws s3 mb s3://aditya-sam-app
    • Step 2: Package application:
          sam package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file output-sam-template.yaml --s3-bucket aditya-sam-app
    • Step 3: Deploy application (Here, we will be using generated output SAM template file):
          sam deploy --template-file output-sam-template.yaml --stack-name aditya-sam-app-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  • To view Lambda Function logs using SAM CLI:
        sam logs -n LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME --stack-name STACK_NAME -- tail
        # For e.g.:
        sam logs -n GetUser --stack-name aditya-sam-app-stack -- tail

CICD 101

  • AWS CodeCommit
    • It is a source control service which allows us to host our Git Based repositories.
  • AWS CodeBuild
    • It is a Continious Integration service. We can use it to Package and optionally Deploy our applications.
  • AWS CodePipeline
    • It is a Continious Delivery service. It allows us to automate entire Deployment and Release Cycles.
  • Setup 101.
    • Initialize Git Repository on local machine.
    • Step #1: Create CodeCommit Repository:
      • Go to CodeCommit in AWS Console and create new repository.
      • Go to IAM in AWS Console and create new user. Provide:
        • Only Programmatic Access. No need to provide access to AWS Console.
        • Attach Existing Policy. Look for CodeCommit in policies.
        • It will show us AWS Credentials for the user. Ignore them.
        • Under Users, open that user and go to Security Credentials. Scroll down to see HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit. Click on Generate button there.
        • It will show us Username and Password for this user. Download that.
      • Go to CodeCommit console and click on Connect button.
      • Copy Repository URL from the popup.
      • On our local machine, we need to add CodeCommit Repository as Remote Repository using following command:
            git remote add origin CODECOMMIT_REPOSITORY_URL
      • On our local machine, add upstream origin using following command (Repeat this for all local branches):
            # 'origin' refers to the remote repository. i.e. CODECOMMIT_REPOSITORY_URL
            git push --set-upstream origin LOCAL_BRANCH
      • It will ask for credentials only once. Specify credentials we downloaded from IAM Console for our created user.
    • Step #2: Setup CodeBuild:
      • Go to CodeBuild in AWS Console.
      • Before we create a CodeBuild Project, we will need an IAM Role that CodeBuild can assume on be our half.
        • For e.g. When we create and deploy our Serverless Project, it creates different resouces like Lambda Functions, APIS, DynamoDB Tables, IAM Roles in the background using CloudFormation. When we deploy from our computer, AWS Credentials stored in environment variable of our computer are used. Now the same deployment has to run from a Containerized Environment created by CodeBuild. So we must provide the same permissions to CodeBuild as we provided to the user which connects to AWS while deploying using Serverless Framework.
      • Go to IAM in AWS Console and create new Role.
        • Under Choose the service that will use this role, select CodeBuild and click on Continue.
        • Select access (We can choose Administrator Access) and click on Review and create the Role.
        • Now, we can go ahead and create CodeBuild project.
      • Go to CodeBuild console and create a project.
        • Under Source Provider, select AWS CodeCommit option. Select CodeCommit Repository.
        • Under Environment: How to build,
          • Select option Use an image managed by AWS CodeBuild.
          • Select Operating System as Ubuntu.
          • Under Runtime, select Node.js.
          • Select Runtime Version.
          • Under Build Specifications, we will use buildspec.yml file.
        • Under Service Role, select the Role we created.
        • Under Advanced Settings, create Environment Variable as ENV_NAME = dev. This way we can build similar project for different environments like prod, stage etc..
        • Continue and review the configuration and click on Save button. Do not click on Save and Build button.
    • Step #3: Create a buildspec.yml file at root of our project.
      • buildspec.yml file tells CodeBuild what to do with the sourcecode it downloads from the CodeCommit Repository.
      • For e.g.
            # buildspec.yml
            version: 0.2 # Note: Each version can use the different syntax.
            phases: # There are 4 different types of phases we can define here. viz. 'install', 'pre_build', 'build', 'post_build'. Under each phase, we can specify commands for CodeBuild to execute on our be half. If there are any runtime errors while executing commands in particular phase, CodeBuild will not execute the next phase. i.e. If the execution reaches the 'posrt_build' phase, we can be sure that build was successful.
                - install
                        - echo Installing Serverless.. # This is only for our reference.
                        - npm i -g serverless # Install serverless globally in container.
                - pre_build
                        - echo Installing NPM dependencies..
                        - npm i # This will install all the dependencies from package.json.
                - build
                        - echo Deployment started on `date`.. # This will print current date.
                        - echo Deploying with serverless framework..
                        - sls deploy -v -s $ENV_NAME # '$ENV_NAME' is coming from environment variable we setup above.
                - post_build
                        - echo Deployment completed on `date`..
      • Commit buildspec.yml file and deploy it to CodeCommit Repository.
    • Step #4 (Optional): If we manually want to build our project,
      • Go to CodeBuild Console, select our project and click on Start Build.
        • Select the CodeCommit Branch that CodeBuild should read from.
        • Click on Start Build button.
        • It will pull the code from selected branch in CodeCommit Repository, and then run the commands we have specified in buildspec.yml file.
    • Step #5: Setup CodePipeline:
      • Go to CodePipeline in AWS Console and create a new Pipeline.
        • Source location:
          • Under Source Provider, select AWS CodeCommit.
          • Select the Repository and Branch Name (Generally master branch).
          • We will use CloudWatch Events to detect changes. This is the default option. We can change this to make CodePipeline periodically check for changes.
            • By using CloudWatch Events i.e. default option under Change detection options setting, as soon as we push the change or an update to a master branch on CodeCommit, this Pipeline will get triggered automatically.
          • Click next.
        • Build:
          • Under Build Provider option, select AWS CodeBuild.
          • Under Configure your project options, select Select existing build project and under Project name, select our existing CodeBuild project.
          • Click next.
        • Deploy:
          • Under Deployment provider, since our code deployment will be done through Serverless Framework in the CodeBuild step and we have defined our buildspec.yml file that way, we need to select No Deployment option.
          • Click next.
        • AWS Service Role:
          • We need to create a necessary Role for Pipeline. Click on Create role button.
          • AWS will automatically generate Policy with necessary Permissions for us. So simply click Allow button.
          • Click Next step to review the configuration of Pipeline.
        • Click on Create Pipeline button to create and run this Pipeline
    • Now whenever we push changes to master branch, our code will get automatically deployed using CICD.
    • Step #6: Production Workflow Setup - Adding manual approval before production deployment with CodePipeline.
      • Once our code gets deployed to Dev Stage, it will be ready for testing. And it will trigger a Manual Approval request. The approver will approve or reject the change based on the outcome of testing. If the change gets rejected, the Pipeline should stop there. Otherwise, if the change is approved, the same code should be pushed to Production Stage. Following are the steps to implement this workflow:
      • Go to CodePipeline in AWS Console and click on Edit button for our created Pipeline.
      • After Build Stage using CodeBuild, click on + Stage button to add new stage.
      • Give this new stage a name. e.g. ApproveForProduction.
      • Click on + Action to add a new Action.
        • Under Action category option, select Approval.
        • Under Approval Actions options:
          • Give an Action Name. For e.g. Approve.
          • Set Approval Type to Manual Approval option.
        • Under Manual approval configuration options:
          • We need to create an SNS Topic.
            • Go to SNS Console under AWS Console and click on Create Topic.
            • Specify Topic Name and Display Name. For e.g. Topic Name: cicd-production-approval and Display Name: CICD Production Approval.
            • Click on Create Topic button.
            • Now that the topic has been created, we must Subscribe to the topic. Whenever CodePipeline triggers the Manual Approval, a Notification will be triggered to this topic. All the subscribers will be notified by Email for the approval. To setup this:
            • Click on Create Subscription button.
            • Under Protocol, select Email option.
            • Under Endpoint, add the email address and click the Create Subscription button.'
            • This will trigger the confirmation. Only after we confirm our email address, the SNS will start sending notifications.
            • SNS setup is done at this point. We can head back to Manual approval configuration options.
          • Under SNS Topic ARN, select the SNS Topic we just created above.
          • Under URL For Review, we can specify API URL or Project URL.
          • Under Comments, specify comments if any. For e.g. Kindly review and approve.
          • Click on Add Action button.
      • After Manual Approval stage, click on + Action to add a new Action for Production Build.
        • Under Action category option, select Build.
        • Under Build Actions options:
          • Give an Action Name. For e.g. CodeBuildProd.
          • Set Build Provider to AWS CodeBuild option.
        • Under Configure your project options:
          • Select Create a new build project option. It will exactly be the same as last one, only difference is it will use different value in Environment Variables viz. Production.
          • Specify Project Name. For e.g. cicd-production.
        • Under Environment: How to build,
          • Select option Use an image managed by AWS CodeBuild.
          • Select Operating System as Ubuntu.
          • Under Runtime, select Node.js.
          • Select Runtime Version.
          • Under Build Specifications, we will use buildspec.yml file. i.e. Select option Use the buildspec.yml in the source code root directory option.
        • Under AWS CodeBuild service role options:
          • Select Choose an existing service role from your account option.
          • Under Role name, select the existing role we created while setting up CodeBuild above.
        • Under Advanced Settings, create Environment Variable as ENV_NAME = prod. This way we can build similar project for different environments like prod, stage etc..
        • Click on Save build project button.
        • We must provide Input Artifacts for this stage. So under Input Artifacts options:
          • Set Input artifacts #1 to MyApp.
        • Click on Add action button.
      • Click on Save Pipeline Changes button. It will popup the confirmation. Click on Save and continue button. And we are all set.

Serverless Security Best Practices 101

  • AWS Lambda uses a decoupled permissions model. It uses 2 types of permissions:
    • Invoke Permissions: Requires caller to only have permissions to invoke the Lambda Function and no more access is needed.
    • Execution Permissions: It is used by Lambda Function itself to execute the function code.
  • Give each Lambda Function it's own Execution Role. Avoid using same Role across multiple Lambda Functions. This is because needs of our Lambda Functions may change over time and in that case we may have to alter permissions for Role assigned to our functions.
  • Avoid setting Wildcard Permissions to Lambda Function Roles.
  • Avoid giving Full Access to Lambda Function Roles.
  • Always provide only the necessary permissions keeping the Role Policies as restrictive as possible.
  • Choose only the required actions in the IAM Policy keeping the policy as restrictive as possible.
  • Sometimes AWS might add new Action on a Resource and if our Policy is uing a Wildcard on the Actions, it will automatically receive this additional access to new Action even though it may not require it. Hence it's a good and recommended idea to explicitely specify individual Actions in the policies and not use Wildcards.
  • Always make use of Environment Variables in Lambda Functions to store sensitive data.
  • Make use of KMS (Key Management System) Encryption Service to encrypt sensitive data stored in Environment Variables.
  • Make use of KMS Encryption Service to encrypt sensitive data At Rest and In Transit.
  • Remember that Environment Variables are tied to Lambda Function Versions. So it's a good idea to encrypt them before we generate the function version.
  • Never log the decrypted values or any sensitive data to console or any persistent storage. Remember that output from Lambda Functions is persisted in CloudWatch Logs.
  • For Lambda Functions running inside a VPC:
    • Use least privilege security groups.
    • Use Lambda Function specific Subnets and Network Configurations that allows only the Lambda Functions to access VPC Resources.
  • Following are the mechanisms available for controlling the API Gateway access:
    • API Keys and Usage Plans.
    • Client Certificates.
    • CORS Headers.
    • API Gateway Resource Policies.
    • IAM Policies.
    • Lambda Authorizers.
    • Cognito User Pool Authorizers.
    • Federated Identity Access using Cognito.
  • When using CI/CD Pipelines for automated deployments, make sure appropriate Access Control is in place. For e.g. If pushing code to master branch triggers our Deployment Pipeline, then we must ensure that only the authorized team members have ability to update the master branch.

Best Practices 101 - AWS Lambda

  • Keep declarations/instantiations outside Lambda Handlers. This allows Lambda Handlers to reuse the objects when Containers get reused.
  • Keep the Lambda Handlers lean. i.e. Move the core logic of Lambda Function outside of the Handler Functions.
  • Avoid hardcoding, use Environment Variables.
  • One function, one task. This is Microservices Architecture.
  • Watch the deployment package size, remove unused dependencies. Check package.json. Certain libraries are available by default on Lambda Functions. We can remove those libraries from package.json.
  • Always keep an eye on Lambda Logs. Monitor the Execution Duration and Memory Consumptions.
  • Grant only the necessary IAM Permissions to Lambda Functions. Although the serverless team recommends using Admin user while developing Serverless Framework Apps.
  • In production, choose to give API Key with PowerUserAccess at the maximum to Serverless Framework User. Avoid giving AdministratorAccess.
  • Use -c flag with Serverless Framework Deployments. This will ensure that the commands will only generate CloudFormation File and not actually execute it. We can then execute this CloudFormation File from within CloudFormation Console or as part of our CI/CD process.
  • If we are creating any temporary files in /tmp, make sure to unlink them before we exit out of our handler functions.
  • There are restrictions on how many Lambda Functions we can create in one AWS account. So make sure to delete unused Lambda Functions.
  • Always make use of error handling mechanisms and DLQs. Put out codes in Try..Catch blocks, throw errors wherever needed and handle exceptions. Make use of Dead Letter Queues (DLQ) wherever appropriate.
  • Use VPC only if necessary. For e.g. if our Lambda Function need access to RDS which is in VPC or any VPC based resources, then only put our Lambda Function in VPC. Otherwise there is no need to put Lambda Function in VPC. VPCs are likely to add additional latency to our functions.
  • Be mindful of using Reserved Concurrency. If we are planning to use Reserved Concurrency then make sure that other Lambda Functions in our account have enough concurrency to work with. This is because every AWS Account gets 1000 Concurrent Lambda Executions Across Functions. So if we reserve concurrency for any function then concurrency limit will reduce by that amount for other functions.
  • Keep containers warm so they can be reused. This will reduce the latency introduced by Cold Starts. We can easily schedule dummy invocations with CloudWatch Events to keep the functions warm.
  • Make use of frameworks like AWS SAM or Serverless Framework.
  • Use CI/CD tools.

Best Practices 101 - AWS API Gateway

  • Keep API definitions as lean as possible. i.e. move all the logic to backend Lambda Functions. So unless absolutely necessary we could simply use Lambda Proxy Integration where API Gateway merely acts as a Proxy between Caller and a Lambda Function. All the data manipulations happen at one place and i.e. inside Lambda Handler Function.
  • Return useful responses back to the caller instead of returning generic server side errors.
  • Enable logging options in API Gateways so it is easier to track down failures to their causes. Enable CloudWatch Logs for APIs.
  • When using API Gateways in Production, it's recommended to use Custom Domains instead of API Gateway URLs.
  • Deploy APIs closer to our customer's regions.
  • Add Caching to get additional performance gains.

Best Practices 101 - DynamoDB

  • Most important is Table Design.
  • DynamoDB Tables provide the best performance when designed for Uniformed Data Access. DynamoDB divides the Provisioned Throughput equally between all the Table Partitions and hence in order to achieve maximum utilization of Capacity Units, we must design our Table Keys in such a way that Read and Write Loads are uniform across Partitions or Partition Keys. When DynamoDB Tables experience Non-uniformed Access Patterns, they will result in what is called as Hot Partition. i.e. Some partitions are accessed heavily while others remain idle. When this happens, the Idle Provisioned Capacity is wasted while we still have to keep paying for it.
  • DAX (DynamoDB Accelerator) doesn't come cheap.
  • When changing the provisioned throughput for any DynamoDB Table i.e. Scaling Up or Scaling Down, we must avoid Temporary Substantial Capacity scaling up. Note: Substantial increases in Provisioned Capacities almost always result in DynamoDB allocating additional Partitions. And when we subsequently scale the capacity down, DynamoDB will not de-allocate previously allocated Partitions.
  • Keep Item Attribute Names short. This helps reduce the item size and thereby costs as well.
  • If we are to store large values in our items then we must consider compressing the Non-Key Attributes. We can use technique like GZip for example. Alternatively, we can store large items in S3 and only pointers to those items are stored in DynamoDB.
  • Scan operations scan the entire table and hence are less efficient than Query operations. Thats why, Avoid Scan operations. Note: Filters always gets applied after the Query and Scan operations are completed.
  • Applicable RCUs are calculated before applying the Filters.
  • While performing read operations, go for Strongly Consistent Reads only if our application requires it. Otherwise always opt out for Eventually Consistent Reads. That saves half the money. Note: Any read operations on Global Secondary Indexes are Eventually Consistent.
  • Use Local Sendary Indexes (LSIs) sparingly. LSIs share the same partitions i.e. Same physical space that is used by the DynamoDB Table. So adding more LSIs will use more partition size. This doesn't mean we shouldn't use them, but use them as per our application's need.
  • When choosing the projections, we can project up to maximum of 20 Attributes per index. So choose them carefully. i.e. Project as fewer attributes on to secondary indexes as possible. If we just need Keys then use only Keys, it will produce the smallest Index.
  • Design Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs) for uniform data access.
  • Use Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs) to create Eventually Consistent Read Replicas.

Best Practices 101 - Step Functions

  • Always use Timeouts in Task States.
  • Always handle errors with Retriers and Catchers.
  • Use S3 to store large payloads and pass only the Payload ARN between states.

Setup And Workflow 101

  • Setup:
        # Install serverless globally.
        sudo npm i -g serverless
        # (Optional) For automatic updates.
        sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /Users/adiinviter/.config
        # Configure user credentials for aws service provider.
        sls config credentials --provider aws --key [ACCESS_KEY] --secret [SECRET_KEY] -o
        # Create aws nodejs serverless template.
        sls create -t aws-nodejs
        # Init npm.
        npm init -y
        # Install serverless-offline and serverless-offline-scheduler as dev dependancies.
        npm i serverless-offline serverless-offline-scheduler --save-dev
  • After running above commands, update the service property in serverless.yml with your service name.
    • NOTE: service property in serverless.yml file is mostly your project name. It is not a name of your specific lambda function.
  • Add following scripts under package.json:
            "scripts": {
                "dev": "sls offline start --port 3000",
                "dynamodb:start": "sls dynamodb start --port 8082",
  • Update serverless.yml file with following config:
        service: my-project-name
            - serverless-offline    # Add this plugin if you are using it.
            - serverless-offline-scheduler  # Add this plugin if you are using it.
            name: aws
            runtime: nodejs12.x
            stage: dev              # Stage can be changed while executing deploy command.
            region: ap-south-1      # Set region.
  • To add new lambda function with api endpoint, add following in serverless.yml:
                handler: src/controllers/users.find
                - http:
                    path: users/{id}
                    method: GET
                            id: true
  • To run project locally:
        # Using npm
        npm run dev
        # Directly using serverless
        sls offline start --port 3000
  • To invoke lambda function locally:
        sls invoke local -f [FUNCTION_NAME]
  • To run lambda crons locally:
        sudo sls schedule
  • To deploy:
        # To deploy all lambda functions.
        sls deploy -v
        # To deploy a specific function.
        sls deploy -v -f [FUNCTION_NAME]
        # To deploy project on a different stage (e.g. production)
        sls deploy -v -s production
  • To view logs for a specific function in a specific stage (e.g. dev, prod):
        # Syntax:
        sls logs -f [FUNCTION_NAME] -s [STAGE_NAME] --startTime 10m
        # Use -t to view logs in real time. Good for monitoring cron jobs.
        sls logs -f [FUNCTION_NAME] -s [STAGE_NAME] -t
        # Example #1:
        sls logs -f sayHello -s production --startTime 10m
        # Example #2:
        sls logs -f sayHello -s dev --startTime 15m
  • To remove project/function (This will delete the deployed CloudFormation Stack with all the resources):
        # To remove everything.
        sls remove -v -s [STAGE_NAME]
        # To remove a specific function from a specific stage.
        sls remove -v -f sayHello -s dev
  • To create a simple cron job lambda function, add this to serverless.yml:
        # Below code will execute 'cron.handler' every 1 minute
            handler: /src/cron.handler
                - schedule: rate(1 minute)
  • To configure Lambda Function to run under VPC:
    • We need Security Group Ids and Subnet Ids, to get them:
      • Under AWS Console, go to VPC.
      • Go to Security Groups and copy Group ID. We can copy default one. Just one Security Group Id is enough though. Specify it under securityGroupIds.
      • Go to Subnets. Each AWS Region has number of Subnets. Copy Subnet ID and specify them under subnetIds option. Although Serverless requires At least 2 subnets, We can copy all the subnets and specify them under subnetIds option.
    • Under serverless.yml file, set:
              hello: # This function is configured to run under VPC.
                  handler: handler.hello
                      securityGroupIds: # We can specify 1 or more security group ids here.
                          - sg-703jd2847
                      subnetIds: # We must at least provide 2 su1bnet ids.
                          - subnet-qndk392nc2
                          - subnet-dodh28dg2b
                          - subnet-ondn29dnb2

New Project Setup In Pre Configured Environment 101

  • Browse and open terminal into empty project directory.
  • Execute :
        # Create aws nodejs serverless template
        sls create -t aws-nodejs
        # Init npm.
        npm init -y
        # Install serverless-offline and serverless-offline-scheduler as dev dependancies.
        npm i serverless-offline serverless-offline-scheduler --save-dev
  • Add following scripts under package.json:
            "scripts": {
                "dev": "sls offline start --port 3000",
                "dynamodb:start": "sls dynamodb start --port 8082",
  • Open serverless.yml and edit service name as well as setup provider:
        service: s3-notifications
            name: aws
            runtime: nodejs12.x
            region: ap-south-1
            - serverless-offline    # Add this plugin if you are using it.
            - serverless-offline-scheduler  # Add this plugin if you are using it.

Installing Serverless

  • To install Serverless globally:
        sudo npm i -g serverless
  • For automatic updates, after above command, run:
        sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /Users/adiinviter/.config

Configuring AWS Credentials For Serverless

  • To configure aws user credentials, run:
        # -o: To overwrite existing credentials if there are any set already.
        sls config credentials --provider aws --key [ACCESS_KEY] --secret [SECRET_KEY] -o
  • After running above command, credentials will get set under following path:

Create NodeJS Serverless Service

  • Each service is a combination of multiple Lambda Functions.
  • To create NodeJS Serverless Service:
        sls create --t aws-nodejs

Invoke Lambda Function Locally

  • To invoke a Lambda Function locally:
        # Syntax
        sls invoke local -f [FUNCTION_NAME]
        # Example
        sls invoke local -f myfunct

Event - Passing Data To Lambda Function

  • To pass data to lambda function,
        # Syntax
        sls invoke local -f [FUNCTION_NAME] -d [DATA]
        # Example #1: to pass a single string value into lambda function.
        sls invoke local -f sayHello -d 'Aditya'
        # Example #2: to pass a object into lambda function.
        sls invoke local -f sayHello -d '{"name": "Aditya", "age": 33}'
  • event object holds any data passed into lambda function. To access it:
    • Accessing data directly passed as string as shown in Example #1 above:
          // Example #1: to pass a single string value into lambda function.
          // sls invoke local -f sayHello -d 'Aditya'
          module.exports.hello = async event => {
              const userName = event; // Data is available on 'event'.
              return {
                  statusCode: 200,
                  body: JSON.stringify({message: `Hello ${userName}`})
    • Accessing object data passed as shown in Example #2 above:
          // Example #2: to pass a object into lambda function.
          // sls invoke local -f sayHello -d '{"name": "Aditya", "age": 33}'
          module.exports.hello = async event => {
              const {name, age} = event;
              return {
                  statusCode: 200,
                  body: JSON.stringify({message: `Hello ${name}, Age: ${age}`})

Serverless Offline

  • For local development only, use Serverless Offline plugin.
  • Plugin:
  • To install:
        npm i serverless-offline --save-dev

NPM Run Serverless Project Locally

  • Install Serverless Offline plugin.
  • Under serverless.yml, add:
            - serverless-offline
  • Under package.json, add new run script:
        "dev": "sls offline start --port 3000"
  • Run:
        npm run dev

Deploy Serverless Service

  • To deploy serverless service, run:
        # -v: For verbose.
        sls deploy -v

Setup Serverless DynamoDB Local

  • Use following plugin to setup DynamoDB locally (for offline uses):
  • To setup:
        npm i serverless-dynamodb-local
  • Register serverless-dynamodb-local into serverless yaml:
            - serverless-dynamodb-local
  • Install DynamoDB into serverless project:
        sls dynamodb install

Securing APIs

  • APIs can be secured using API Keys.
  • To generate and use API Keys we need to modify serverless.yml file:
    • Add apiKeys section under provider:
              name: aws
              runtime: nodejs12.x
              apiKeys:                # For securing APIs using API Keys.
                  - todoAPI           # Provide name for API Key.
              stage: dev              # Stage can be changed while executing deploy command.
              region: ap-south-1      # Set region.
              timeout: 300
    • Route by Route, specify whether you want it to be private or not. For e.g.
              getTodo:    # Secured route.
                  handler: features/read.getTodo
                      - http:
                          path: todo/{id}
                          method: GET
                          private: true   # Route secured.
              listTodos:  # Non-secured route.
                  handler: features/read.listTodos
                      - http:
                          path: todos
                          method: GET
    • After deploying we will receive api keys. Copy it to pass it under headers.
          λ serverless offline start
          Serverless: Starting Offline: dev/ap-south-1.
          Serverless: Key with token: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e    # Here is our API Key token.
          Serverless: Remember to use x-api-key on the request headers
    • Pass api key under x-api-key header while hitting secured route.
          x-api-key: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    • If a wrong/no value is passed under x-api-key header, then we will receive 403 Forbidden error.

AWS CLI Handy Commands

  • Useful commands for project 05-S3-Notifications:
    • Setup aws profile for Serverless S3 Local plugin:
          aws s3 configure --profile s3local
          # Use following credentials:
          # aws_access_key_id = S3RVER
          # aws_secret_access_key = S3RVER
    • Trigger S3 event - Put file into local S3 bucket:
          aws --endpoint http://localhost:8000 s3api put-object --bucket "aditya-s3-notifications-serverless-project" --key "ssh-config.txt" --body "D:\Work\serverless\05-S3-Notifications\tmp\ssh-config.txt" --profile s3local
    • Trigger S3 event - Delete file from local S3 bucket:
          aws --endpoint http://localhost:8000 s3api delete-object --bucket "aditya-s3-notifications-serverless-project" --key "ssh-config.txt" --profile s3local

Common Issues

  • After running sls deploy -v, error: The specified bucket does not exist:
    • Cause: This issue occurs when we manually delete S3 bucket from AWS console.
    • Fix: Login to AWS console and delete stack from CloudFormation.
    • Dirty Fix (Avoid): Delete .serverless directory from project (Serverless Service).
    • Full Error (Sample):
        Serverless: Packaging service...
        Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
        Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
        Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
        The specified bucket does not exist
        Get Support --------------------------------------------
        Your Environment Information ---------------------------
            Operating System:          darwin
            Node Version:              13.7.0
            Framework Version:         1.62.0
            Plugin Version:            3.3.0
            SDK Version:               2.3.0
            Components Core Version:   1.1.2
            Components CLI Version:    1.4.0


⛅ AWS Serverless - Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, Lambda, Step Functions, API Gateway, RDS, DynamoDB, ElephantSQL, CI/CD, CloudFormation, S3 Notifications, SNS, SQS, Cognito, Lambda Crons, CORS, Apache VTL (Velocity Template Language), Swagger, KMS, VPCs, DLQs, CloudWatch, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, CloudFront, OICD, Kinesis, MQTT, IoT…







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