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Turbo Broccoli

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A Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages. It's fast, and it's good for you.


Turbo Broccoli is a simple theme intended primarily for technical documentation or training. It is based on Bootstrap 4, supporting Bootswatch themes and Font Awesome 5 icons


Features include:


To create an icon for your site:

  1. Upload your square, transparent high-quality logo file to:
  2. When you have created and downloaded your complete icon package, place its contents in the directory: /assets/icon/
  3. Set the site's theme_color in _config.yml to the same color value used on the Favicon Generator.
  4. Set the site's logo_image in _config.yml to 1.

Page Structure

Each page is intended to be stored directly under the _pages directory. It must be a MarkDown (.md) file.

Front Matter

Each page must have a Jekyll Front Matter section.

title: High-Level Process
menu: General
icon: fas fa-sitemap
order: 1
Variable Required Description
title YES The displayed title in the navbar and on the page itself. The filename must match this with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with dashes. Example: If the title is High-Level Process, the filename must be Capitalization matters.
order YES The order in which to display the page. This determines the page's position within its menu or within the main navbar if no menu is specified.
icon no The page's icon, displayed just before the title in navbar links and the page header. Must be the full class string from one of the free Font Awesome 5 icons.
menu no Must be one of the menus in _config.yml if specified. If not specified, it will be treated as a top-level page in the main navbar.
exclude_from_header no Set to true if you want to exclude the page from the main navbar. This should almost never be set.
permalink no Set this to override the default permalink of /:basename. This should almost never be set.


Each page should be well-structured with nested levels of headings (h2 - h6). These are used to automatically generate the table of contents on each page. Headings can be added using the following markdown:

## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6

The # h1 heading is reserved for the page title only and must not be used in page markdown files.


Most GitHub Flavored Markdown features are supported, including tables, lists, images, links, quotes, syntax highlighting, username @mentions, and emojis. The only features unavailable are automatic code/commit/issue links.