This application was the final project for the Certified Tech Developer certification, given by Digital House. The proposal was a reservation manager and the choice of theme was free. With the team we decided to work on an e-commerce of reservations and shipments of product combos through drones. Great, isn't it?
If you need a simpler process, here is the fork of the project: Skyshop_CTD
And here you will find the app completely deployed: Skyshop
We should have installed MySQL and MySQL Workbench:
Once the repository is cloned, we must open the front end in Visual Studio Code or the IDE of choice
Run the following script from the terminal
npm install
Now we should open the Back in our IDE and run the project
We will see a token on the terminal, copy it and go to the Front to paste it on the Context.jsx > token (const)
Now that we have done that, we will open the terminal and run the next script to get the localhost and test Skyshop!
npm run dev
- React - Javascript Framework
- Vite - Building and development tool
- Axios - HTTP Client
- date-fns - Toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates
- SweetAlert2 - Alerts and dialogs library
- Cloudinary - Image upload & storage tool
- Springboot - Java Framework
- Maven - Dependencies manager
- MySQL - Database manager
- Hibernate - ORM
- Lombok - Library to reduce code
- SendGrid - Java client to integrate Email services
- Juan Cruz Marzetti - Front & Infrastructure - juancruzmarzetti
- Mateo Pane - Front - MateoPane
- Agustin Gimenez - Back & DB - agusegimenez
- Santiago Oven - Back & DB - Santioven
- Francisco Varela - Back - panchovarela