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PySploit Framework

free exploit framework written use python language version 3.3


  • Easy to use
  • Free and open source
  • Organizer
  • Easy to develop it
  • Programmed using on of the most popular programming language
  • Unlimited possibilities to create
  • Durable updates

Getting Started

the framework not need many steps to install and start using just follow the next steps


the framework designed to run on Gnu/Linux distro only

tell us if framework work in another platforms :)


the requirement is:

  • bs4
  • python-tools
  • python3.x

Installing Requirement

installing bs4

easily you can install the whole requirement from requirement.txt file by execute this command:

sudo python3-pip install -r requirements.txt

installing python-tools

in debian and her children the package names is python-examples and you can install it by the packages manager (apt) by ordered this command:

sudo apt-get install python-examples

but in opensuse is called python-demo and in fedora/redhat is called python-tools > in both of them you can also use the packages manager to install the package

installing python3

the most of linux distro has python preinstalled but if you have old version you can install it using your packages manager or from the official website

Install on you computer

in 1.1 version we added installer to insatll the framework on your device so to start installing the tool go to tool directory and execute this command:

sudo python3 -i

if the install done the tool will tell you. now if you need unistall the tool you can execute this another command:

sudo python3 PySploit -un

Note: you should execute the both command with root privilege

Add your module

we designed this framework to be easy to create your module all what you need is define three dictionarys and two functions :) you can read file in samples directory for more informations

to more info visit this topic


Ahmad Nourallah

Contact with me


This project is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • add new modules
  • make the code smarter
  • attract the developers to using the framework
  • create advanced payload (such as meterpreter in metasploit) help us in this task

we always welcome the all pull requests