Welcome to the bd-medicine-scraper repository!
In this project, I scraped Medicine data (from medex.com.bd) using scrapy and integrated it with Django REST Framework. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database. I designed the scraper in a way to keep the relations between models.
I also customized the django admin panels, added additional features such as -
- auto complete lookup relational fields
- custom filtering (alphabetical, model property)
- bulk actions (export to csv)
Other Customizations:
- custom scrapy command to run scrapy spiders from django command line. (ex-
python manage.py <spider_name>
) - custom django commands
- to export models to csv. (
python manage.py <export_model_name> <export_data_path>
)python manage.py export_medicine_data /home/ahmed/Desktop/medicine_data.csv
- to export generic monograph PDFs
python manage.py export_generics_monograph
- to export models to csv. (
I also added proxy configuration to scrapy.
Create a python virtual environment and run these commands from root directory-
pip insrall -r requirements.txt
This will run the django app-
python manage.py runserver
NB: Migrate before running the app
python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate
To run all spiders-
python run_crawler.py
To run a specific spider-
python manage.py <spider_name>
ex - python manage.py med
The scraped dataset is available in kaggle -
The dataset has 6 CSV files - Here is a list of the CSV files with their featured columns:
- medicine.csv (21k+ entries)
- brand name
- medicine type (allopathic or herbal)
- generic
- strength
- manufacturer
- package container (unit price and pack info)
- Package Size (unit price)
- manufacturer.csv (245 entries)
- name
- indication.csv (2k+ entries)
- name
- generic.csv (~1700-1800 entries)
- name
- monographic link (PDF URL)
- drug class
- indication
- generic details such as "Indication description", "Pharmacology description", "Dosage & Administration description" etc.
- drug class.csv (~400 entries)
- name
- dosage form.csv (~120 entries)
- name
Bangladesh Medicine Analytics - Notebook on Kaggle
Workflow script - django-ci.yml
Run the tests using:
coverage run --omit='*/venv/*' manage.py test
python manage.py test
Check the coverage
coverage html