Dockerizing .NET Core Apps
In this repo, i m using docker in order to build several types of .net core applications :
1️⃣ App_01 : Console application
2️⃣ App_02 : Worker application
3️⃣ App_03 : WebApi application
🚀 To run code, type the following commands in your favorite terminal :
⚡ For App_01 :
docker build -t app01-image -f .\App_01\Dockerfile .
docker run --name app01 -it app01-image
⚡ For App_02 :
docker build -t app02-image -f .\App_02\Dockerfile .
docker run --name app02 -it app02-image
⚡ For App_03 :
docker build -t app03-image -f .\App_03\Dockerfile .
docker run --name app03 -it -p 8088:80 app03-image
🚀 To clean docker ressources, type the following commands :
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
: vs22, net 6.0, docker