This README primarily focuses on the abctl
tool itself, not the Airbyte platform.
If you're looking for Airbyte's official quickstart documentation, that can be found here.
Authentication credentials are randomly generated as part of the installation process.
After installation is complete, to find your authentication credentials run abctl local credentials
- Via brew
brew tap airbytehq/tap brew install abctl
- Via go install
go install
- Via Github
- Via brew
# install Airbyte abctl local install # fetch the login credentials abctl local credentials
Depending on internet speed, abctl local install
could take in excess of 15 minutes.
By default abctl local install
configures Airbyte to accessible by all inbound requests on port 8000
This typically includes access via the host's ip-address and localhost
If port 8000
is not available. or another port is preferred, --port [PORT]
can be specified.
Login to
abctl local install
completed successfully, it should open a browser to http://localhost:8000 (or to the--host
overrides if specified). If this is the first time Airbyte has been installed you will be asked to provide an email and organization name. To retrieve your password to login, runabctl local credentials
As mentioned in the quickstart, the only prerequisite abctl
has is that Docker
must be installed, running, and accessible. However, the Airbyte platform requires a Kubernetes
cluster, which abctl
creates by utilizing kind (kind runs a Kubernetes cluster within a
Docker container). With kind's Kubernetes cluster, abctl
uses helm to install (or update to) the
latest (by default) Airbyte helm chart and the latest NGINX Ingress Controller
helm chart.
All commands and sub-commands support the following optional global flags:
Short | Long | Description |
-h | --help | Displays the help information, description the available options. |
-v | --verbose | Enables verbose (debug) output. Useful when debugging unexpected behavior. |
All commands support the following environment variables:
Name | Description |
DO_NOT_TRACK | Set to any value to disable telemetry tracking. |
The following commands are supported:
abctl local --help
The local sub-commands are focused on managing the local Airbyte installation. The following sub-commands are available:
abctl local credentials
Displays the credentials required to login to the local Airbyte installation.
When abctl local install
is first executed, random password
, client-id
, and client-secret
are generated.
Returns ths email
, password
, client-id
, and client-secret
The email
and password
are required to login to Airbyte.
The client-id
and client-secret
are necessary to create an Access Token
for interacting with the Airbyte API.
For example:
$ abctl local credentials
"password": "[RANDOM PASSWORD]",
"client-id": "[RANDOM CLIENT-ID]",
"client-secret": "[RANDOM CLIENT-SECRET]"
supports the following optional flags
Name | Default | Description |
"" | Changes the authentication email address. | |
--password | "" | Changes the authentication password. |
abctl local deployments
Display kubernetes deployment information and allows for restarting a kubernetes deployment.
supports the following optional flags
Name | Default | Description |
--restart | "" | Restarts the provided deployment. |
abctl local install
Installs a local Airbyte instance or updates an existing installation which was initially installed by abctl
Depending on your internet speed, abctl local install
may take in excess of 20 minutes.
supports the following optional flags:
An -
in the default column indicates no value can be provided.
These flags behave as a switch, enabled if provided, disabled if not.
Name | Default | Description |
--chart | "" | Path to chart. |
--chart-version | latest | Which Airbyte helm-chart version to install. |
--docker-email | "" | Docker email address to authenticate against --docker-server .Can also be specified by the environment-variable ABCTL_LOCAL_INSTALL_DOCKER_EMAIL . |
--docker-password | "" | Docker password to authenticate against --docker-server .Can also be specified by the environment-variable ABCTL_LOCAL_INSTALL_DOCKER_PASSWORD . |
--docker-server | "" | Docker server to authenticate against. Can also be specified by the environment-variable ABCTL_LOCAL_INSTALL_DOCKER_SERVER . |
--docker-username | "" | Docker username to authenticate against --docker-server .Can also be specified by the environment-variable ABCTL_LOCAL_INSTALL_DOCKER_USERNAME . |
--insecure-cookies | - | Disables secure cookie requirements. Only set if using --host with an insecure (non https ) connection. |
--low-resource-mode | false | Run Airbyte in low resource mode. |
--host | "" | FQDN where the Airbyte installation will be accessed. Default is to allow for all incoming traffic on port --port .Set this if the Airbyte installation needs a more restricted host configuration. |
--migrate | - | Enables data-migration from an existing docker-compose backed Airbyte installation. Copies, leaving the original data unmodified, the data from a docker-compose backed Airbyte installation into this abctl managed Airbyte installation. |
--no-browser | - | Disables launching the browser when installation completes. Useful to set in situations where no browser is available. |
--port | 8000 | Port where the Airbyte installation will be accessed. Set this if port 8000 is already in use or if a different port is preferred. |
--secret | "" | Can be set multiple times. Creates a kubernetes secret based on the contents of the file provided. Useful when used in conjunction with --values for customizing installation. |
--values | "" | Helm values file to further customize the Airbyte installation. |
--volume | "" | Can be set multiple times. Mounts additional volumes in the kubernetes cluster. Must be in the format of <HOST_PATH>:<GUEST_PATH> . |
abctl local status
If an Airbyte installation exists, returns information regarding that installation.
For example:
$ abctl local status
Existing cluster 'airbyte-abctl' found
Found helm chart 'airbyte-abctl'
Status: deployed
Chart Version: 0.422.2
App Version: 0.63.15
Found helm chart 'ingress-nginx'
Status: deployed
Chart Version: 4.11.1
App Version: 1.11.1
Airbyte should be accessible via http://localhost:8000
abctl local uninstall
Uninstalls a local Airbyte instance.
The data associated with the installed Airbyte instance will not be removed.
This is done to allow Airbyte to be reinstalled at a later date with all the data preserved.
supports the following optional flags:
An -
in the default column indicates no value can be provided.
These flags behave as a switch, enabled if provided, disabled if not.
Name | Default | Description |
--persisted | - | Will remove all data for the Airbyte installation. This cannot be undone. |
abctl images
Manage images used by Airbyte and abctl.
The following sub-commands are available:
abctl images manifest
Display a manifest of images used by Airbyte and abctl.
Name | Default | Description |
--chart | "" | Path to chart. |
--chart-version | latest | Which Airbyte helm-chart version to install. |
--values | "" | Helm values file to further customize the Airbyte installation. |
abctl version
Displays version information about the abctl
For example:
$ abctl version
version: v0.19.0
If you have found a problem with abctl
, please open a Github Issue and use the 🐛 [abctl] Report an issue with the abctl tool
Install go
This repository utilises a Makefile, wrapping the traditional go
used for formatting, vetting, building, and testing go
The following make
commands are supported:
name | description |
make build |
Builds the abctl binary, placing it in the build directory. |
make clean |
Removes the build directory. |
make fmt |
Formats the code. |
make test |
Runs all the tests. |
make vet |
Runs the vet command. |