This repository serves as a starting point for building a Node.js RESTful API using Express.js, MongoDB with Mongoose, and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication.
The project follows a common structure for organizing Node.js applications. Here's a brief overview of the project structure:
- app.js: Entry point of the application where the Express server is configured and started.
- src/: Directory containing the source code of the application.
- config/: Configuration files such as database connection settings, environment variables, and JWT secret key.
- controllers/: Controllers responsible for handling HTTP requests, processing data, and sending responses.
- middlewares/: Custom middleware functions for handling authentication, error handling, request logging, etc.
- models/: Mongoose models representing database schemas and interacting with MongoDB.
- routes/: Route definitions specifying the API endpoints and their corresponding controller methods.
- utils/: Utility functions used throughout the application.
- services/: Business logic services encapsulating reusable business logic.
- constants/: Constants files containing static values used across the application.
- node_modules/: Directory containing project dependencies installed via npm or yarn.
- package.json: Metadata file containing project information and dependencies.
- package-lock.json: Automatically generated file ensuring consistent installation of dependencies across different environments.
- .gitignore: File specifying intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.
- Documentation file providing an overview of the project, its structure, and instructions for setup and usage.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd nodejs-restful-api-boilerplate
npm install
- Start the server:
npm start
Happy coding! 🚀