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Releases: akavel/rsrc

v0.10.2: Attempt at fixing alignment bug

12 Mar 14:53
Choose a tag to compare

Another attempt at fixing #26, based on suggestion from @tc-hib.

v0.10.1: Generate RT_GROUP_ICON id before ICON ids

10 Dec 21:47
Choose a tag to compare

Reorder icon IDs to make them somewhat more deterministic and easier to use.


10 Dec 21:36
Choose a tag to compare

Attempt at fixing bugs related to upx & others, by aligning resources in the .syso. HUGE thanks @tc-hib.

Also took this chance to do some smaller usability improvements:

  • remove long deprecated -data flag
  • default -o filename now includes GOOS and GOARCH tags for easier proper linking
  • default -arch is now amd64 (what most users would probably expect)


17 Apr 10:22
Choose a tag to compare

Add experimental support for -arch=arm and -arch=arm64 (thanks @fcharlie)

Updated for Go 1.4

03 Jul 13:57
Choose a tag to compare

This release has usage information updated for Go 1.4: the "-data" option is no longer useful. I'm not removing it completely however for now, in case someone has some specific uses for it.