A project to help improve the educational sector in ways not thought of before.
Link for demo
Today, the Indian education system has developed into a system of mere schooling. The schooling part isn’t living up to the expectations of individuals either. Education is being confined to schools and colleges and it has monotonously become a process of spoon feeding. We at AAGS believe that spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon. Students are unable to understand where they are lagging and how to improve themselves. Teachers have to do all their work manually and due to too much work pressure, they often aren’t able to perform their best either.
- Adaptive learning.
- Adaptive assignments.
- VR based learning.
- Similar questions preparation.
- Live doubt clearance.
The source code of this project is written in HTML/CSS/JS
. So, you do not require anything extra to run this project.
Extract the folder and run Website/index.html
Feel free to contact me via Facebook.
Invite me to connect on LinkedIn.
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MIT © Akshat Gupta
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