The server configured in this project serves my Items Catalog project called Repertor • io. In order to make Google and Facebook Login to work, I have registered a free subdomain for the server's IP address and set up an SSL certificate for the site.
I had to allow Port 443, because Facebook Login now enforces HTTPS.
- git
- apache2
- libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
- postgresql
- python3-pip
- sudo -H pip3 install psycopg2-binary python-slugify
- sudo -H pip3 install flask oauth2client markdown
- Recreate Google and FB client secret files
- Clone Repertorio repository
- certbot python-certbot-apache
- Update system packages
- Set timezone to UTC
- Create new user
- Add permission to sudo
- Set up key-based SSH
- Set up firewall
- Disable remote root login
- Create catalog role for PostgreSQL
- Prevent Apache from serving .git directory
- Configure Apache to serve app using WSGI
- Set up DNS at
- Change ServerName in Apache
- Enable HTTPS for FB Login to work:
- Install and configure Certbot
- Enable port 443 in firewalls
- Add new domain, redirect URLs and JavaScript origin to Facebook and Google OAuth apps
- - to set up a DNS record for the IP address
- to get SSL certificate
- - to research errors and find solutions