Search all of your personal, starred, and organization repos in Alfred, a powerful MacOS launcher application. It uses the GitHub REST API Endpoints.
Download from releases. Coming soon on the Alfred Workflow Gallery. Then, follow the setup guide.
Alfred 5 with PowerPack.
, which you can download at their site.
Nothing else, everything is in a single bash script :)
ghs {query}
will give you a list of all your personal, starred, and organization GitHub repositories. ⏎
on a selected result will open the repository in your default browser.
After installing the Alfred workflow (download under Releases), click Configure Workflow... in Alfred. In the username text field, enter your GitHub username. In the token text field, generate a "Personal access token" at You will need to check the following scopes:
- read:org
- repo
- user
Note that I personally use a classic token so I can have no expiration date.
You can also customize the ghs
command to any command of your choice in the same pane.