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RGEN - Go (GoLang) REST code generator


go get
go install

This will install the generator in $GOPATH/bin. You can execute it by calling rgen command.

Getting started

Run rgen -h to see a list of all commands:


Available Commands:
  build       Builds API from YAML file
  generate    Generates API CRUD with given configuration
  help        Help about any command
  migration   Manages database migrations
  new         Initializes the REST API


  1. cd into your projects directory
  2. Run rgen new and answer the given questions (it will ask you which VSC you use, VSC domain and package name). Your answers will determine the root package and name of your project.
  3. Go into your newly created project and open draft.yaml. This file contains specification of your project.
  4. Run rgen build to create REST endpoints.


After initialization of a project, the draft.yaml file will look like this:

      ApiToken: string
      Email: string
      FirstName: string
      LastName: string
      Password: string
      - required
      - email
      - required
      - required
      - required
      - min:5
    Actions: []
    Relationships: {}
    OnlyModel: false
    Public: false

All model definitions are under Models namespace. Each model contains:

  • Properties
  • Actions
  • Relationships
  • Validation
  • OnlyModel
  • Public


This is main portion of draft.yaml. In this section you setup all fields for your models.
Fields are listed in key:value format. key represents the name of the field, while value represents the data type.
You can use any valid Go data type like: int, int64, string, float64 ...


Actions contain the list of CRUD actions you want to have for a specific model. By default, all CRUD actions are created.
Possible values are (case-insensitive): index, show, create, update, delete


Relationships follow key:value format where key is the name of model the current model is related with,
and value is the name of relation.

    User: belongsTo
    Post: hasMany

Possible values are: belongsTo, manyToMany, hasMany.
Warning: IDs are not created automatically. For example if User has many Posts, you have to add UserID
field to Post model.


Validation field contains list of validations for each model property. This field is optional and if you omit this field, all fields will be optional.

Behind the scene, rgen is using for validations. Please check the package documentation to learn which fields you can use in your application.


OnlyModel is a boolean value which indicates if you want to only create a model.
The default value is false.


Public is a boolean value which indicates if given resource is public or not. The term "public" means that users don't have to login to access a particular resource. The default value is false.

File structure

├── api
│   └── auth
│       ├── controller.go
│       ├── repositories
│       │   └── mysql
│       │       └── auth.go
│       ├── repository.go
│       └── transport.go
├── config.yaml
├── database
│   └── seeds
│       ├── DatabaseSeeder.go
│       └── UserSeeder.go
├── draft.yaml
├── go.mod
├── main.go
├── middleware
│   ├── AuthMiddleware.go
│   └── ExampleMiddleware.go
├── models
│   └── Base.go
└── util
    ├── auth
    │   ├── auth.go
    │   └── interface.go
    ├── cache
    │   ├── memory
    │   │   └── memory.go
    │   └── service.go
    ├── paginate
    │   └── paginate.go
    ├── req
    │   └── req.go
    ├── resp
    │   └── response.go
    └── validators
        ├── Base.go
        ├── Equals.go
        ├── RecordExists.go
        ├── RecordsExists.go
        └── Unique.go

Next steps

  • Edit .env file with MySQL credentials and other configurations
  • Do not remove config.yaml since this file contains global variables like Package which is used when generating new services.
  • Run go mod tidy to install all dependencies, and you're good to go.

Generate command

rgen allows you to create single service as well, this is useful when you want to update existing project.

WARNING: rgen relies on various markers and file paths to add new services, if you want to use rgen generate command, then do not remove markers [services], [protected routes] and [public routes] inside main.go.

rgen generate -h
Generates API CRUD with given configuration

   generate [flags]

  -a, --actions string   CRUD actions --actions='index,create,show,update,delete'
  -f, --fields string    List of fields (required) --fields='Title:string, Description:string, UserID:int64'
  -h, --help             help for generate
  -n, --name string      Resource name (required) --name='ModelName'
      --onlyModel        Create only model (default = false)
      --public           Public resource (default = false)

Example: To create a Comment resource with title, body and user_id fields run the following command:

rgen generate -n "Comment" -f "title:string#required|min:5, body:string#required, user_id:int64#required" -a "index, create, delete"


  • Add support for more databases (currently only MySQL is supported)

PRs are welcome