The dockerfile with the instructions to create the image with the Apache Bench application.
Will create the docker image using the Dockerfile as base, the created image name is apacheb-img
To create and start the docker container, using the apacheb-img
as base, the container name is apacheb
. The container will have a volume in /home/reports
linked to the project folder reports
Delete the apacheb
docker container.
Delete the apacheb-img
docker image.
To execute the tests with the -r param so the test doesn't stop with errors, storing te reports in the reports folder and setting the date time for the reports name.
-n value
the number of requests
-c value
the number of concurrent users
-t value
max time to execute the tests
-h host
the host the the test will do the requests
./ (-n -c -t -h)
Execute in docker
docker exec -it apacheb /home/ (-n -c -t -h)