Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "L3TC: Leveraging RWKV for Learned Lossless Low-Complexity Text Compression".
Learning-based probabilistic models can be combined with an entropy coder for data compression. However, due to the high complexity of learning-based models, their practical application as text compressors has been largely overlooked. To address this issue, our work focuses on a low-complexity design while maintaining compression performance. We introduce a novel Learned Lossless Low-complexity Text Compression method (L3TC). Specifically, we conduct extensive experiments demonstrating that RWKV models achieve the fastest decoding speed with a moderate compression ratio, making it the most suitable backbone for our method. Second, we propose an outlier-aware tokenizer that uses a limited vocabulary to cover frequent tokens while allowing outliers to bypass the prediction and encoding. Third, we propose a novel high-rank reparameterization strategy that enhances the learning capability during training without increasing complexity during inference. Experimental results validate that our method achieves 48% bit saving compared to gzip compressor. Besides, L3TC offers compression performance comparable to other learned compressors, with a 50× reduction in model parameters. More importantly, L3TC is the fastest among all learned compressors, providing real-time decoding speeds up to megabytes per second.
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, download enwik8 and enwik9 to data/public_text_dataset. Then run the following script to generate dictionary and train/val data.
python scripts/
python --output_dir work_dirs -c ./config/l3tc/ --save_log --amp
python scripts/ \
-c "./config/l3tc/" \
--pretrain_model_path "work_dirs/l3tc_200k_20241210_135843/checkpoint0019.pth" \
--tokenizer "dictionary/vocab_enwik8_bpe_16384_0.999/spm_enwik8_bpe_16384_0.999.model" \
--tmp_processed_dir "data/enwik9_results/l3tc_200k_bpe16k_enwik9" \
--segment_length 2048 \
--device cuda \
--input_file "data/public_text_dataset/enwik9"
The pretrained models of L3TC can be downloaded from google drive.
If you use our work, please consider citing:
title={L3TC: Leveraging RWKV for Learned Lossless Low-Complexity Text Compression},
author={Junxuan Zhang and Zhengxue Cheng and Yan Zhao and Shihao Wang and Dajiang Zhou and Guo Lu and Li Song},
If you have any questions, please create an issue on this repository or contact at or (Corresponding Author).
Our code is based on BlinkDL