Docker containers: Varnish, Nginx, PHP, Opensearch, MariaDB, Redis, Mailhog, RabbitMQ, Watchtower using sockets with PHP (linux/amd64, linux/arm64) instead of TCP/IP for redis sessions and MySQL
RabbitMQ, MailHog, Watchtower are commented out of the docker-compose.yml to run projects parallel you need to add a proxy like Traefik or nginx-proxy
git clone
check for updates with
git fetch && git pull
Fresh Installation (latest magento 2 version) or your running project when located in your filesystem
cd mage2.docker
chmod +x bin/*
bin/install config
you can use prompts to configure install (USING the command with config IS BUGGY. FEEL FREE TO CONRIBUTE)
use .env to change values after installation and activate on restart of containers
User: mage2_admin
Password: mage2_admin123#T
docker exec -it mage2_php bash
script configures the default magento 2.4.6 mail settings to run with mailhog
Mail Client
- Fresh Install or use existing magento 2 project on your file system using
bin/install config
- alternative OSX docker-compose file using docker-sync for better performance
- set project directory to where ever you want (as configurable option in .env)
- Mailhog container
- Extra Composer Packages with Magento 2 Installer
- yireo/magento2-webp2 WebP Converter
- mage2tv/magento-cache-clean Cache Cleaner
- Xdebug as configurable option (xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM)
setup php image for windows and osx- configure mailhog with
- add cache warmer
- fix
bin/install config
- reduce the number of volumes
If you encounter any problems or bugs, please create an issue on GitHub.
Please Contribute by creating a fork of this repository.
Follow the instructions here: