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Releases: alopezrivera/huracan

Huracan 0.9

18 May 22:12
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One new component, some improvements, considerably simplified code.

  • Added bleed duct component
  • Corrected combustion chamber bug where the isentropic efficiency was getting applied twice
  • Refactored to simplify the implementation and visualization code
  • Added engine and other new tests

Refactor release

04 May 10:32
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Refactor release Pre-release

This alpha release refactors Huracan to solve #3.


  • Make it compatible with the most recent version (5.5) of mpl_plotter
  • Removes the Python-Alexandria dependency

Targets for 0.1 release

  • Replace plotting methods by single method which takes two strings indicating which parameters to plot against each other (instead of plot_T_s etc.)

Huracan 0.0.2 post-release 2

14 Oct 07:01
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Plot refinements.

Huracan 0.0.2 post-release 1

14 Oct 06:11
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Plotting methods

  • Added colorblind support to system plots.

  • Updated methods to be compatible with MPL Plotter 4.1.0.

<your multiple stream engine>
stream.plot_T_S(show=True, legend=True, colorblind=True)

Huracan 0.0.2

12 Oct 06:13
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Streams and systems

Set and superset class and constructor metaclass implementation.

Huracan 0.0.1.post1

11 Sep 20:18
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Power available bug

Power available calculation division by 0 error at airspeed 0 fixed. The power available and propulsive efficiency now return 0 in such conditions.

Huracan 0.0.1 pre-release

10 Sep 22:05
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License update

Huracan 0.0.1

11 Sep 12:10
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Huracan 0.0.1

Welcome to the first Huracan official release! This release marks the beginning of Huracan as a fully functional engine modelling and simulation library, if still growing in scope and ambition.

At the moment of this release Huracan can model:

  • Single and multiple stream engines with an arbitrary (within thermodynamic sense) number of components, connected by an arbitrary number of shafts
  • Reheating and intercooling
  • Electrical systems drawing power from the engine

In terms of engine analysis, it can:

  • Log the total temperature and pressure at each stage
  • Calculate the exit velocity and exit area for all flows with an exhaust
  • Calculate the thrust, jet power and available power of each flow in a system, as well as of the system in its entirety
  • Calculate the thermal, propulsive and total efficiency of each flow in a system, as well as of the system in its entirety
  • Calculate the fuel mass flow and specific fuel consumption of a stream or system
  • Plot the stream or system's T-S, p-V, H-p and T-p graphs

Huracan uses the standard ideal gas model, accepting variable constant pressure specific heat capacities and specific heat capacity ratios as a function of gas temperature, and it currently uses a simple fuel model consisting of the fuel's lower heating value and mass flow. Compression and expansion processes are considered adiabatic, and heat exchange processes are considered isobaric, allowing pressure ratios to be input by the user.

Lastly, it:

  • Automatically allows for the retrieval of system data from stream objects when such are integrated into a system
  • Automatically generates stages names for each component in the cycle
  • Allows the retrieval of stream or system components by their stage names

As it currently stands, Huracan is a useful tool for preliminary analysis of engine designs and educational purposes, satisfying its main objectives. In the future, it shall incorporate alternative propulsion technologies and mass estimation techniques, among other features.

Huracan Alpha v2

07 Sep 21:57
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Huracan Alpha v2 Pre-release

Engine modelling

  • Multiple stream modelling
    • Stream diversion
    • Stream merging
  • Propeller, fan, propfan implementations
  • Electrical power plant implementation

Performance analysis

  • Multiple stream system plots
  • Multiple stream system characteristics


  • Compartmentalization of thermodynamic processes, gas model and engine components improved and cleaned
  • Component stage naming implementation more robust
  • Stream/system component retrieval using its stage name


  • Verification tests: turbofan, turbojet, turboprop
  • Engine examples

Huracan Alpha v1

30 Aug 22:51
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Huracan Alpha v1 Pre-release

Engine components

  • Combustor implementation complete
  • Combustion chamber implementation complete
  • Afterburner implementation complete

Performance analysis

  • Cycle property vectors implemented (absolute temperature, pressure, specific volume)
  • Stream fuel mass flow
  • Stage naming and stream console log
  • General cycle plot implemented
  • p-v plot implemented
  • T-S plot implemented


  • 2 shaft (compressor and turbine each), reheated turbojet engine verified against previous model