RPM macros for creating AltCCRPM packages. The macros are:
Intializes the AltCCRPM macros. Call before Name. Usage:
%{?altcc_init:altcc_init -n <name> -v <version>}
%global shortname <name>
%global ver <version>
- -p prefix - Alternate prefix name
- -v version - Version of package (or use %{ver})
- -V version - Version of modulefile (defaults to %{version})
- -f - Use full compiler version for package name/prefix
- -F - Use full MPI version for package name/prefix
Expands to a suffix containing the version of the main package, the name and version of the compiler, and the name and version of the MPI library used if applicable. Add %{?altcc_pkg_suffix} to Name.
Name: %{shortname}%{?altcc_pkg_suffix}
Expands to a suffix containing the version of the main package, and the name and version of the compiler used. Add %{?altcc_name_suffix} to Name of packages as an alternative to %{?altcc_pkg_suffix} that do not have MPI versions. Not strictly necessary if the package is not built with an MPI module loaded.
Expands to a suffix containting the name and version of the compiler, and the name and version of the MPI library used if applicable. Add %{?altcc_dep_suffix} to the name of any dependencies that have altcc versions.
Expands to a suffix containting the name and version of the compiler used. Add %{?altcc_cc_dep_suffix} to the name of any dependencies that have altcc versions, but no MPI versions.
True if building in AltCCRPM mode (COMPILER_NAME set). False otherwise. Use to conditionalize the spec, e.g.: %{!?altcc:BuildRequires: gcc-fortran}
or %{?altcc:module load hdf5}
Expands to Requires: environment(modules)
. Add to the package that contains the environment module file if needed.
Expands to version-less provides for ease of installing the latest version of a package, e.g. install hdf5-intel-openmpi. Add to each package definition. Takes a sub-package name as an arguement and can take -n option change the base package name. Usage: %?altcc_provide
or %{?altcc:%altcc_provide [-n name] [name]}
Used in %install to write the environment module from the source. Takes the source as an argument: %{?altcc:%altcc_writemodule %SOURCE2}
Used in %install to create %{_defaultdocdir}. May be needed for proper directory ownership in files with -d option to %altcc_files
Used in %install to create %{_licensedir}. Needed for proper directory ownership in files with -l option to %altcc_files
Emits %dir ownership of the install tree. Takes a list of directories, e.g.:
%{?altcc:%altcc_files -lm %{_bindir} %{_libdir} %{_mandir}/man1}
Add a "-d" option to the package(s) that contain %doc files. You may need to also call %{?altcc:%altcc_doc} in %install. Add a "-l" option to the package(s) that contain %license files. Be sure to also call %{?altcc:%altcc_license} in %install. Add a "-m" option to the package that contains the module file. This is generally the main package unless there is a -libs sub-package. Only the unique leaf trees need to be specified. Directories between the install prefix and the given directories will be owned automatically as well.
Expands to a requires on the current version of the MPI development package. Add to -devel pacakges.
True if buildwith with MPI, false if not.
Same as $MPI_NAME