= Cloud Native Go Volume 1
This repository contains the example sources for the Cloud Native Go Volume 1 course.
== Prerequisites
In order to build and run this showcase you need to have a couple of things installed:
- The Go SDK (e.g. using Brew)
- An IDE for the development, like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ
- The Docker Toolbox or native Docker, whatever you prefer
== Building the Go microservices
$ go build
$ ./Cloud-Native-Go.exe
== Containerization with Docker
$ docker build -t cloud-native-go:1.0.1 .
$ docker images
$ docker tag cloud-native-go:1.0.1 lreimer/cloud-native-go:1.0.1
$ docker push lreimer/cloud-native-go:1.0.1
== Running Docker image locally
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 cloud-native-go:1.0.1
$ docker run -it -e "PORT=9090" -p 9090:9090 cloud-native-go:1.0.1
$ docker ps --all
$ docker run --name=cloud-native-go -d -p 8080:8080 cloud-native-go:1.0.1
$ docker ps
$ docker stats
$ docker stop
$ docker start
== Improved Containerization with Docker
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
$ docker build -t cloud-native-go:1.0.1-alpine .
$ docker images
$ docker tag cloud-native-go:1.0.1-alpine lreimer/cloud-native-go:1.0.1-alpine
$ docker push lreimer/cloud-native-go:1.0.1-alpine
== Docker Compose
$ docker-compose build
$ docker images
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose kill
$ docker-compose rm
== Kubernetes and Pods
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl create -f k8s-pod.yml
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pod cloud-native-go
$ kubectl port-forward cloud-native-go 8080:8080
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels
$ kubectl get pods -o wide -L env
$ kubectl label pod cloud-native-go hello=world
$ kubectl get pods -o wide -L hello
$ kubectl label pod cloud-native-go env=prod --overwrite
$ kubectl get pods -o wide -L env
$ kubectl get ns
$ kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
$ kubectl create -f k8s-namespace.yml
$ kubectl get ns
$ kubectl create -f k8s-pod.yml --namespace cloud-native-go
$ kubectl delete -f k8s-pod.yml
== Kubernetes Deployments and Services
$ kubectl get services,deployments,pods
$ kubectl create -f k8s-deployment.yml
$ kubectl get deployments,pods
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yml
$ kubectl create -f k8s-service.yml
$ kubectl get services
$ kubectl describe service cloud-native-go
$ kubectl delete -f k8s-deployment.yml
$ kubectl delete -f k8s-service.yml
== Kubernetes Scaling and Rolling Updates
$ kubectl create -f k8s-deployment.yml --record=true
$ kubectl scale deployment cloud-native-go --replicas=5
$ kubectl scale deployment cloud-native-go --replicas=3
$ kubectl rollout history deployment cloud-native-go
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yml
$ kubectl edit deployment cloud-native-go
$ kubectl set image deployment cloud-native-go cloud-native-go=cloud-native-go:1.0.2
$ kubectl rollout history deployment cloud-native-go
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment cloud-native-go --to-revision=0
$ kubectl delete -f k8s-deployment.yml