De-identified, aggregate datasets showing COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, deaths and vaccinations by date, zip, or age/sex/race as made available by the City of Philadelphia through its Open Data Program.
The data in this repository is a history of daily snapshots made available here:
The following datasets have been collected since 6/4/2020:
- COVID Cases by Age
- COVID Cases by Date
- COVID Cases by Sex
- COVID Cases by Zipcode
- COVID Deaths by Date
- COVID Deaths by Sex/Age
- COVID Deaths by Zipcode
These have been collected since 8/14/2020:
- COVID Cases by Race
- COVID Deaths by Race
- COVID Hospitalizations by Age
- COVID Hospitalizations by Date
- COVID Hospitalizations by Race
- COVID Hospitalizations by Sex
- COVID Hospitalizations by Zipcode
These have been collected since 3/21/2021:
- COVID Vaccinations Total
- COVID Vaccinations by Age
- COVID Vaccinations by Race
- COVID Vaccinations by Sex
- COVID Vaccinations by Zipcode
Data reporting changes:
- Starting on September 29, 2020, COVID Cases by Date are reported by test specimen collection date; prior to this date, these were reported by test result date. This repository keeps the entire history with test result date showing null and test specimen collection date populated after this change.
- Beginning May 3, 2021, the Health Department is reporting testing data twice weekly around 1:30 p.m. every Monday and Thursday. This repository will continue to run daily updates with the latest information posted by 2:00 p.m.
Questions about these datasets? Visit the OpenDataPhilly Discussion Group:!forum/opendataphilly
For terms of use:
No more updates will be published after 6/4/2023. Users are encouraged to clone the repo and set up daily cron jobs to collect data on their own beyond this date.
To get started reading and analyzing the data:
- Clone this repo
- If you use R/RStudio, open a new project based on an existing folder, pointing to the local copy of the repo
- Setup the following environment variable in ~/.Renviron, completing /<…>/ based on the repo location in your local folder structure:
- Set up cron jobs in your local machine with the cronR or taskscheduleR package:
# Daily cron job to fetch cases
cmd_cases <- cron_rscript(rscript = str_c(Sys.getenv("COVID19PHILLY_DIR"),
cron_add(command = cmd_cases, frequency = 'daily', at='2PM', id = 'covid19_cases')
# Daily cron job to fetch deaths
cmd_deaths <- cron_rscript(rscript = str_c(Sys.getenv("COVID19PHILLY_DIR"),
cron_add(command = cmd_deaths, frequency = 'daily', at='2PM', id = 'covid19_deaths')
# Daily cron job to fetch hospitalizations
cmd_hosp <- cron_rscript(rscript = str_c(Sys.getenv("COVID19PHILLY_DIR"),
cron_add(command = cmd_hosp, frequency = 'daily', at='2PM', id = 'covid19_hospitalizations')
# Daily cron job to fetch vaccinations
cmd_vaccs <- cron_rscript(rscript = str_c(Sys.getenv("COVID19PHILLY_DIR"),
cron_add(command = cmd_vaccs, frequency = 'daily', at='2PM', id = 'covid19_vaccinations')
# Check scheduled jobs
# Stack daily files within folder and keep distinct records
build_historical_dataset <- function(data_folder) {
list.files(path = data_folder, full.names = TRUE) %>%
map_dfr(read_csv) %>%
distinct() # duplicates occur when there is an extract but no data update
# Cases by test result and reporting dates
cases_by_date <- build_historical_dataset("cases_by_date")
## # A tibble: 285,444 × 6
## result_date etl_timestamp positive negative collection_date objectid
## <date> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
## 1 2020-03-27 2020-06-04 17:20:02 222 769 NA NA
## 2 2020-05-05 2020-06-04 17:20:02 362 1252 NA NA
## 3 2020-05-30 2020-06-04 17:20:02 126 1525 NA NA
## 4 2020-03-24 2020-06-04 17:20:02 115 477 NA NA
## 5 2020-04-26 2020-06-04 17:20:02 204 620 NA NA
## 6 2020-05-23 2020-06-04 17:20:02 192 1535 NA NA
## 7 2020-04-16 2020-06-04 17:20:02 524 772 NA NA
## 8 2020-05-01 2020-06-04 17:20:02 414 1104 NA NA
## 9 2020-05-20 2020-06-04 17:20:02 193 1697 NA NA
## 10 2020-04-24 2020-06-04 17:20:02 490 1147 NA NA
## # … with 285,434 more rows
# Cases by zip code and reporting date
cases_by_zipcode <- build_historical_dataset("cases_by_zipcode")
## # A tibble: 43,678 × 5
## zip_code etl_timestamp NEG POS objectid
## <dbl> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 19122 2020-06-01 17:20:02 1018 245 NA
## 2 19101 2020-06-01 17:20:02 36 27 NA
## 3 19146 2020-06-01 17:20:02 2515 438 NA
## 4 19153 2020-06-01 17:20:02 610 197 NA
## 5 19136 2020-06-01 17:20:02 4456 894 NA
## 6 19143 2020-06-01 17:20:02 3805 1019 NA
## 7 19152 2020-06-01 17:20:02 1473 601 NA
## 8 19125 2020-06-01 17:20:02 1117 204 NA
## 9 19106 2020-06-01 17:20:02 589 55 NA
## 10 19132 2020-06-01 17:20:02 1720 573 NA
## # … with 43,668 more rows
# Daily case count by test result date
incidence_data <- list.files(path = "cases_by_date", full.names = TRUE) %>%
last %>%
read_csv(col_types = cols(collection_date = col_character(),
etl_timestamp = col_skip(),
negative = col_integer(),
positive = col_integer())) %>%
filter(! & (date(collection_date) >= date("2020-03-16"))) %>%
mutate(dates = date(collection_date)) %>%
arrange(dates) %>%
mutate(positivity_rate = positive / (positive + negative)) %>%
select(dates, positive, negative, positivity_rate) %>%
filter(dates <= last(dates) - 3) # remove last 3 days considering lag in test results
# Plot incidence and effective reproductive number over time
# Serial interval mean and std estimates from:
res_parametric_si <- estimate_R(incidence_data %>%
select(dates, I = positive),
config = make_config(list(mean_si = 5.29, std_si = 5.32)))
plot(res_parametric_si, legend = FALSE)