Test repo for autobuilding dockers
$ cd path/to/directory_containing_yaml_and_Dockerfile
# Build:
$ docker-compose build
# Start:
$ docker-compose up
# Stop:
$ docker-compose down
# where the Dockerfile is the current Docker image for running the analyses, and yaml is the configuration file.
# Alternatively, you can use a single command: docker-compose up --build
- Create a repo on Docker Hub.
- Tag your existing image using the Docker Hub username and repo name: docker tag existing-image hub-user/repo-name[:tag].
- Now you can push this repository to the registry designated by its name or tag: docker push hub-user/repo-name:tag.
- The public URL to the Docker image is: docker.io/username/repoName:tag.
follow the docs here: 1 and this 2
my build rule looks like this:
- created Github actions yaml workflow file from template and populated it with my repo/image name
- added secret keys to git repo for docker credetials