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Build documentation

Katya Ivanishcheva edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 2 revisions


To run the connectors on your own machine, installing Docker is enough. You don't need to install any additional packages or dependencies.


Build process

Docker usage

To run the code using docker, use the following commands in the src folder:

sudo docker compose --profile complete build
sudo docker compose --profile complete up

To start only selected profiles, use:

sudo docker compose --profile <company|taxadvisor|bank> up

Note: If you are using macOS, you might have to modify the config.json file:

  1. Go to ~/.docker/config.json.
  2. Change the credsStore value from desktop to osxkeychain.

Alternatively you may:

  1. Go to sudo vi ~/.docker/config.json.
  2. Change credsStore to credStore.

Running connectors locally

If you want to run and test the connectors without using Docker, make sure you have the following packages installed:

Package Version
JDK 17
Gradle 8.7
curl 8.6
jq 1.7.1

Use the following commands in separate terminals from the src/edc-connector folder:

Company connector

In the first terminal, use the following command to build Gradle project and run the company connector:

./gradlew connector:build

java -Dedc.keystore=resources/certs/cert.pfx -Dedc.keystore.password=123456 -Dedc.vault=resources/configuration/ -Dedc.fs.config=resources/configuration/ -jar connector/build/libs/connector.jar

Tax advisor connector

In the second terminal, use the following command to run the tax advisor connector:

java -Dedc.keystore=resources/certs/cert.pfx -Dedc.keystore.password=123456 -Dedc.vault=resources/configuration/ -Dedc.fs.config=resources/configuration/ -jar connector/build/libs/connector.jar

Bank connector

In the third terminal, use the following command to run the bank connector:

java -Dedc.keystore=resources/certs/cert.pfx -Dedc.keystore.password=123456 -Dedc.vault=resources/configuration/ -Dedc.fs.config=resources/configuration/ -jar connector/build/libs/connector.jar

Running database locally

Run the following commands from the src/databse folder to build Gradle project and start the database:

./gradlew build

java -jar build/libs/filestorage-database.jar

Show files in the database:

curl localhost:8080/files/list

Upload file:

curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/your/textfile.txt" http://localhost:8080/files/upload

Download file:

curl localhost:8080/files/get/{id}

Establishing connection for data exchange

Send the following HTTP requests to establish a connection between different connectors to be able to exchange data (replace {{provider port}}/{{consumer port}} with the corresponding ports on which the connector that provides/consumes data is running):

1. Register data plane

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d @resources/dataplane/register-data-plane-provider.json \
     -X POST "http://localhost:{{provider port}}/management/v2/dataplanes" -s | jq

2. Create an asset

curl -d @resources/create-asset.json \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:{{provider port}}/management/v3/assets \
  -s | jq

3. Create a policy

curl -d @resources/create-policy.json \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:{{provider port}}/management/v2/policydefinitions \
  -s | jq

4. Create a contract definition

curl -d @resources/create-contract-definition.json \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:{{provider port}}/management/v2/contractdefinitions \
  -s | jq

5. Fetch catalog

curl -X POST "http://localhost:{{consumer port}}/management/v2/catalog/request" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d @resources/fetch-catalog.json -s | jq

6. Negotiate contract

Replace the {{contract-offer-id}} placeholder in negotiate-contract.json with the contract offer id you found in the catalog at the path dcat:dataset.odrl:hasPolicy.@id:

curl -d @resources/negotiate-contract.json \
  -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:{{consumer port}}/management/v2/contractnegotiations \
  -s | jq

7. Get contract agreement ID

Replace {{id}} with the contract negotiation ID from the consumer terminal:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:{{consumer port}}/management/v2/contractnegotiations/{{id}}" \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -s | jq

The connectors have now been configured successfully and are ready to be used.

8. Start the transfer

Before executing the request, modify start-transfer.json by inserting the contract agreement ID from the previous step. You can re-use the same asset, policies and contract negotiation from before.

curl -d @resources/negotiate-contract.json \
  -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' http://localhost:{{consumer port}}/management/v2/contractnegotiations \
  -s | jq