Hello there! I'm Anastasios Poursaitides. I'm a Software Engineer with 2 years of professional experience on making engaging experiences for the web. I'm focused on creating scalable but most importantly accessible software to all.
I've accumulated 10 years of knowledge in programming through 4 years of college but mostly through self-taught and that led me to my first professional job as a Software Engineer at a company that deals with, creates, and maintains casino solutions(platforms, games etc.). My background on Tourism has given me the crusial soft skills to engage, collaborate and lead in a fast-growing environment.
- Programming Languages: Vanilla Javascript, Typescript, Swift, Python
- Frameworks & Libraries: React, Angular, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Pixi.js, P5.js
- Testing Technologies: Mocha & Chai, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress
- UI & UX tools: Figma, Balsamiq
- Tools & Platforms: Github, Postman, npm, Netlify
- Articles App(in progress): An app that filters the news you want, without any other unnecessary info on the way.
- SpotiList(in progress): Using the Spotify API, Spotilist makes it easy to create your playlists
- Hospitality Access(in progress): A place where people interested on Tourism can learn from those who actually work on Tourism.
- Career Development: I'm very interested in AI, AR, VR and Robotics. That's why I'm pursuing my Bachelors degree in Computer Science with the hope that in the coming years I could contribute and learn more about AI and how to incorporate it in Robotics.
- Continuous Learning: I'm always searching for the best tutorial, most engaging bootcamp or certification in order to andvance my knowledge on the technologies I use. Currently I'm 50% through the Front End Masters Professional Path.
I'm very friendly(sometimes too friendly but harmless) and open to collabolate in any project or just talk about our love for programming, or gaming, or music π