We wear many hats from day to day. GitPersona manages them all.
This utility allows you to choose which identity you want to use when cloning a new repo to your PC. If you work for multiple organizations, or have personal/organization projects, this should come in handy.
We wrap a command around Git. When clone is used, we run our utility first. Then once the repo is clone, these commands are automatically executed:
git config user.name "One of you identities"
git config user.email "oneemail@identity.example"
What you need?
Python 3 and the packages
To install them run:
pip3 install gitpython pyyaml ptpython
How to use:
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/andersonpem/gitpersona.git $HOME/.gitpersona
Run this to add it to your path and have a git wrapper:
# If you use Bash
echo "source $HOME/.gitpersona/gitwrapper" >> $HOME/.bashrc
# If you use ZSH
echo "source $HOME/.gitpersona/gitwrapper" >> $HOME/.zshrc
# If yo use Windows, you should be ashamed of yourself :P
# Run this to refresh your terminal's rc:
source $HOME/.bashrc # or for ZSH:
source $HOME/.zshrc
Add your first identity:
gitpersona-manager add "Andy" "andy@example.com"
# Gitpersona will return:
Identity 'Andy' added.
Now clone a repo and you'll be asked for an identity. The identity selection has autocomplete with tab.