💻 Made by: Andre, Xing Yu (Joe), Matthew, Jiakai (Zane), Victor
📱 Supports: Android 9+
An app that allows customers to securely schedule and join events at specific venues - made with Android Studio 🔔
Simply create a user account upon launching the app and voila! - You are able to schedule an event and list information such as date/time, # of spots available, and much more! Other users can join your event by finding the venue and event name, and simply clicking join.
- As a customer, I want to sign up and log in to my account, so that I can securely access my data.
- As a customer, I want to see the list of venues and the sports activities available at each venue, so that I can schedule an event.
- As a customer, I want to see a list of upcoming events, so that I can join an event I like.
- As a customer, I should be able to see all events I scheduled or joined, so that I can keep track of my activities.
- As an admin, I want to log in to my account, so that I can securely manage venues.
- As an admin, I should be able to add a new venue, so that customers can schedule events at it.
- As an admin, I should be able to filter upcoming events by venue, so that I can make the necessary arrangements at that venue.