Program in C based on steganography to hide data in PNG images using the LSB Algorithm.
$ gcc -Wall -o stega \
main.c \
steganography.c \
steganography_util.c \
3rdparty/lodepng/lodepng.c \
There is a Makefile, its execution is optional. Automates the build and cleanup process
$ make
$ make all
$ make clean
Usage: ./stega [required arguments]
Required arguments:
-e encode data with image
-d decode image and save data into a file
Usage: ./stega -e input-image.png message.txt output-image.png
Encode a data file into a image
Usage: ./stega -d input-image.png [-o output-text.txt]
Decode and extract data from an image
Optional arguments:
-o specify the output file. [default: "message.txt"]
$ ./stega -e input_image.png secret_file.txt output_image.png
$ ./stega -d output_image.png
Now open the generated text file to see the extracted data