Tensorflow-GalSim Universe
This is a collection of Tensorflow Datasets using that generate galaxy image stamps. For now, the following datasets are available:
inverse_cat: Creates 1e5 galaxy exponential stamps with a constant Moffat psf - with shear, size, flux, snr according to a "catalogue" in test.fits file in data. Modify the catalogue to what you want. Final size: ~1GiB
gal_gen: Creates 1e5 exponential galaxy random stamps with a constant Moffat psf. No download needed. Final size: ~1GiB
galsim_cosmos: Creates galaxy stamps from the COSMOS training set from GalSim ~87k galaxies - using the original psf. Modify the psf inside GalSimCOSMOS._generate_examples if you want. Final size: ~4.1GiB
galsim_HSC: Creates galaxy stamps from the HSC simulated images. Not implemented yet. Final size: >300GiB
All stamps are 50x50 (but can be changed before registering the tfds).
Just enter each folder and tfds build it. The respective tfds will be available as tfds.load(name as string).