Local Knative dev environment
- Kourier or Istio
- Kafka or in-memory broker
- Kind or K3D
- Loki observability
The outcome of this exercise is a setup where services written in multiple languages get auto-scaled as cloudevents arrive.
This project provides scripts for setting up Knative using either of the following distros
- Docker for Mac
- Correctly configured Docker for Mac instance
- At least 3 CPUs
- At least 5 GB of RAM
- Kubernetes development tools
brew install kubectl brew install kind brew install k3d brew install istioctl brew install helm
- Docker
yay docker
- Kubernetes development tools
yay kubectl yay kind yay rancher-k3d-bin yay istio yay helm
Select Kubernetes Distro
- Kind
- k3ds
Install example App
kubectl apply -f ./examples/services.yaml ./examples/triggers kubectl wait ksvc node-service --for=condition=Ready
Browser to the example Node Site http://node-service.default.
Post to example site
curl -v "http://node-service.default." -d '{}'
Watch event triggered containers auto-scale
kubectl get pods kubectl logs -l serving.knative.dev/service=rust-service -c user-container -f [2020-08-21T20:23:42Z INFO rust_service] Starting rust-service [2020-08-21T20:23:42Z INFO actix_server::builder] Starting 1 workers [2020-08-21T20:23:42Z INFO actix_server::builder] Starting "actix-web-service-" service on [2020-08-21T20:23:56Z INFO rust_service] Event Data Example { sequence: 99, message: "hello from node-service - Handled by 0 - hello from go-service" }
Inspect monitoring dashboard
5.1 Start kubectl proxy
kubectl port-forward --namespace knative-monitoring \ $(kubectl get pods --namespace knative-monitoring \ --selector=app=grafana --output=jsonpath="{.items..metadata.name}") \ 3000
5.2 Browse to Grafana http://localhost:3000/