These are my solution of exercise problems of book Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# by Svetlin Nakov. For original solutions and book see this github repository.
- Visual Studio 2022, .NET 6
- Visual Studio 2019, .NET 5
Note - You will not see using
directives in source code of console programs made using .NET 6 in Visual Studio 2022 because they are generated automatically like this. To know more about it see -
- Declaring Variables
- Declaring Real Nums
- Compare Real Nums
- Initialize Int
- Declaring and Initializing Char
- Is Male
- Concatenate
- Type Casting
- Using Double Quotes
- Heart
- Isosceles Triangle
- Employee Data
- Swap Values
- Odd or Even
- Divisible by Both Five nd Seven
- Third Digit
- Third Bit
- Area of Trapezoid
- Perimeter and Area of Rectangle
- Weight on Moon
- Within Circle
- Within Circle and Outside Rectangle
- Four Digit Num Manipulation
- Bit on Position P
- Bit Checker
- Bit Manipulation
- Primality Checker
- Exchange Some Bits
- Exchange Bits Expression
- Sum three number
- Perimeter and area of circle
- Company info
- Number formatting
- Divisible by five
- Greatest number
- Sum five nums
- Greatest of five nums
- Sum of n nums
- One to n
- Fibonacci sequence
- Sum of sequence
- Exchange
- Product sign
- Greatest
- Descending order
- Digit in word
- Roots of quadratic equation
- Another greatest
- Do some stuff
- Subsets with sum zero
- Bonus points
- Num to words
- Numbers from one to n
- Divisible by 3 and 7
- Find smallest and largest number
- Cards
- Sum of first n members of fibonacci series
- N!/K!
- N!*K!/(N-K)!
- Catalan number
- Sum of series
- Matrix
- No. of zeros in a factorial
- Decimal to binary
- Binary to decimal
- Decimal to hexadecimal
- Hexadecimal to decimal
- 1 to n in random order
- LCM and GCD
- Spiral Matrix
- Create and print array
- Array checker
- Compare array
- Max sequence of consecutive elements
- Max sequence of consecutive increasing integers
- Max sequence of non-consecutive increasing integers
- Consecutive elements with max sum
- Selection sort
- Sequence with max sum
- Most frequent element
- Sequence with certain sum
- Matrix
- Max sum platform
- Longest sequence of equal string
- Letters to indices
- Binary search
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Prime numbers
- Subset with sum S (repetition allowed)
- Subset of K elements with sum S (without repetition)
- Sorted remaining array
- Permutation
- Combination
- Largest area
- Convert some +ve decimal nos. to binary
- Convert +ve binary to hex and decimal
- Convert +ve hex to binary and decimal
- Decimal to binary and hex (4 and 6 were done together)
- Binary to decimal and hex (5 and 9 were done together)
- Decimal to binary and hex
- Hex to binary and decimal (7 and 8 were done together)
- Hex to binary and decimal
- Binary to decimal and hex
- Binary to decimal using horner scheme
- Roman to arabic
- Arabic to roman
- Base converter
- Precision
- Float representation