Welcome to the CodeNow Level One curriculum repository!
Below is a table of contents linking to a series of guides to help you prepare for and teach your students during the program.
How to Find a Meaningful Problem to Solve
The Problem We'll Be Solving During the Workshop
Brainstorm the Features
Pick the First Feature To Build
- Scope Down and Hone In
Feature Map Activity
The Command Line
Git and GitHub
Weekend One
Weekend Two
Front End Development - CodeNow Sample Todo Application - Front End Mockup Codebase
Hyper Text Markup Language
Cascading Style Sheets
Back End Development - CodeNow Sample Todo Application - Back End Mockup Codebase
Ruby on Rails
- Welcome to Ruby on Rails
- Routes, Controllers, Actions, and Views
- Put Your Front End In Rails - Part One
- Put Your Front End In Rails - Part Two
- Show RCAV Flow Activity
- Make Your HTML Smart
- Many Show Pages, One View File
- Conditional Logic
- Link the Todos On the Index Page
- Welcome to the Database
- Plan Your Data Model
- Install Postgres
- Create Your First Database Table
- Add Todos to the Database from the Rails Console
- Add Todos to the Database With an HTML Form
- Edit, Update, and Delete
- Back to the Todo Index
- The Root Route