PyAR stands for "Python program for aggregation and reaction"
Download the file Unzip it. Go the the folder and sudo python3 install
This will create python package in the path /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyar/
and will create the command line interface pyar-cli
in /usr/local/bin
Run the following command in the pyar folder
sudo -H pip install .
- Automated prediction of unknown reactions between two reactants (A+B)
- Automated prediction of the geometries of aggregates, atomic clusters etc.
- Automated search for reaction for bond forming between two atoms in two different molecules.
To set up your environment for the tasks, you can create and edit your .bashrc
or .bash_profile
file, depending on your system configuration. After that source ~/.bashrc to run those changes.
# Create an alias for "mndo2020"
alias mndobin="mndo2020"
# Add Gaussian 16 to your PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/home/apps/g16
# Create an alias for GAUSS_EXEDIR
alias GAUSS_EXEDIR="g16"
# Create an alias for
alias mlatom=""
# Install dftd4 executable in this way
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install dftd4
conda install -c conda-forge openbabel
alias dftd4bin="dftd4"
#DBCV is not directly accessable via scikit-learn
pip install hdbscan
pip install git+
- python >= 3.6
- numpy>=1.18.4
- pandas>=1.0.5
- scipy>=1.5.2
- scikit-learn>=0.23.2
- autograd>=1.3
- mlatom_aiqm1
- aimnet2
- Mopac
- Turbomole
- Psi4
- Xtb
- Orca
pyar-cli -a -N 8 -as 6 6 --software aiqm1_mlatom -m 1 2
pyar-cli -s --software xtb -ss 10 -N 16 -c 0 0 -m 1 1
pyar-cli -s --software aimnet_2 -ss 10 -N 16 -c 0 0 -m 1 1
This will generate a molecules upto maximum 6 carbon and 6 hydrogens with mlatom_aiqm1 potential using 8 trial orientations. Here and are standard cartesian coordinate files.
C 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
To study the reaction between two reactants A and B using ORCA software interface, with force from 100 to 1000 using N=8 trial orientation, the commandline line argument is,
pyar-cli -r -N 8 -gmin 100 -gmax 1000 --ssoftware orca and are the cartesian coordinate files of the reactants
The main program can be used as below:
pyar-cli options files
There are other scripts for a few automation tasks.
pyar-tabu can be used for
- for making different orientations of two molecules.
- Making a composite molecule containing a seed molecule and N number of monomer molecules.
- Orient two molecules such that i'th atom of one molecule and j 'th atom of second molecule have shortest distance between them
- for a clustering analysis of n input molecules to find unique molecules.
- for the bulk optimisation of several molecules
- "A Global Optimizer for Nanoclusters ", Maya Khatun, Rajat Shubhro Majumdar, Anakuthil Anoop Frontiers in Chemistry 2019, 644
- "A tabu-search based strategy for modeling molecular aggregates and binary reactions" S Nandi, SR McAnanama-Brereton, MP Waller, A Anoop, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2017, 1111, 69-81