npm registry proxy with on-the-fly filtering
- Restricts access to remote packages by predicate:
- custom
function - vulnerability level via builtin npm-registry-firewall/audit plugin
- Flexible configuration: use presets, plugins and define as many
combinations as you need. - Extendable. expressjs-inspired server implementation is under the hood.
- Standalone. No clouds, no subscriptions.
- Linux / Windows / macOS compatible.
- Works with Bun. But
fflate does not work because:worker_threads.Worker option "eval" is not implemented.
- Has no prod deps. Literally zero.
To mitigate security and legal risks
Open Source is essential for modern software development. According to various estimates, at least 60% of the resulting codebase is composed of open repositories, libraries and packages. And it keeps growing. Synopsys OSSRA 2021 report found that 98% of applications have open source dependencies.
But open does not mean free. The price is the risk that you take:
- Availability
- Security
- Legality / license
Let's consider these problems in the context of the JS universe.
JS packages are distributed in various ways: git repos, cdns and package registries. Regardless of the method, there are only two entry types that are finally resolved by any pkg manager: git-commit pointers and tarball links.
"dependencies": {
"yaf" : "git://",
"yaf2": "antongolub/yarn-audit-fix",
"yarn-audit-fix" : "*"
version "9.2.1"
resolved ""
"@types/find-cache-dir" "^3.2.1"
"@types/fs-extra" "^9.0.13"
"node_modules/yaf": {
"name": "yarn-audit-fix",
"version": "9.2.1",
"resolved": "git+ssh://",
"license": "MIT",
"node_modules/yarn-audit-fix": {
"version": "9.2.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-4biFNP4ZLOHboB2cNVuhYyelTFR/twlfmGMQ2TgJgGRORMDM/rQdQqhJdVLuKvfdMLFEPJ832z6Ws5OoCnFcfA==",
"dependencies": {
So the implementation of mirroring is fundamentally quite simple: we just need to save and expose these assets from an alternative ssh/https entry point. Luckily this has already happened. The main repository for JS code is And at least 5 public replicas are always available as alternatives:
If this reliability level is not enough, you can easily run one more registry:
Any code may not work properly. Due to error or malice. Keep in mind that most OSS licenses exclude any liability for damages. It's also important to always remember that oss code is not verified before being published. These two circumstances sometimes give rise to dangerous incidents like colors.js or node-ipc.
The independent audit process is expensive, time consuming, so only setting a delay before using new pkg version might be effective countermeasure.
License agreement is an attribute of the moment: it can suddenly change and affect the development process (for example, husky-5). Uncontrolled use of new versions may have legal and financial consequences. Therefore, automated license checks should be part of CI/CD pipeline or the registry's own feature.
The proxy intercepts packuments and tarball requests and applies the specified filters to them:
- Removes all forbidden entries from packuments.
- Returns 404 if the filtered packument
are empty. - Returns 404 if
does not satisfy the policies. - Passes any other requests to the remote registry as is.
npm vulnerabilities: challenge accepted at HolyJS 2022 Spring 🦆
Node.js >= 14
Bun >= 1.0.6
# npm
npm i npm-registry-firewall
# yarn
yarn add npm-registry-firewall
npm-registry-firewall /path/to/config.json
import {createApp, assertPolicy} from 'npm-registry-firewall'
const app = createApp({
server: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 3001,
firewall: {
'/registry': {
registry: '',
rules: [
policy: 'allow',
org: '@qiwi'
policy: 'deny',
name: '@babel/*,react@^17' // All @babel-scoped pkgs and react >= 17.0.0
policy: 'allow',
filter: ({name, org}) => org === '@types' || name === 'react' // may be async
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/audit', {
critical: 'deny',
moderate: 'warn'
await app.start()
// Checks the specified pkg version against the rules preset
await assertPolicy({
name: 'eventsource',
version: '1.1.0',
registry: '',
rules: [{
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/audit', {
critical: 'deny'
}, 'allow') // Error: assert policy: deny !== allow
type LetAsync<T> = T | Promise<T>
type TApp = {
start: () => Promise<void>
stop: () => Promise<void>
type TLogger = typeof console
type TLogeLevel = 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'
type TAgentConfig = {
keepAliveMsecs?: number
keepAlive?: number
maxSockets?: number
timeout?: number
type TServerConfig = {
host?: string
port?: string | number
base?: string
entrypoint?: string
healthcheck?: string | null
metrics?: string | null
secure?: {
key: string,
cert: string
requestTimeout?: number
headersTimeout?: number
keepAliveTimeout?: number
extend?: string
type TPolicy = 'allow' | 'deny' | 'warn'
type TRule = {
policy?: TPolicy
name?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
org?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
dateRange?: [string, string]
age?: number | [number] | [number, number]
version?: string,
license?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
username?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
filter?: (entry: Record<string, any>) => LetAsync<boolean | undefined | null>
extend?: string
plugin?: TPluginConfig
type TPluginConfig = string | [string, any] | TPlugin | [TPlugin, any]
type TCacheConfig = {
ttl: number
evictionTimeout?: number
limit?: number // in bytes
type TCacheImpl = {
add(key: string, value: any, ttl?: number): LetAsync<any>
has(key: string): LetAsync<boolean>
get(key: string): LetAsync<any>
del(key: string): LetAsync<void>
type TFirewallConfigEntry = {
registry: string | string[]
entrypoint?: string
token?: string
rules?: TRule | TRule[]
extend?: string
type TFirewallConfig = Record<string, TFirewallConfigEntry>
type TConfig = {
server: TServerConfig
firewall: TFirewallConfig
zlib?: string // ref to zlib implementation like `fflate`. Defaults to `node:zlib`
extend?: string
agent?: TAgentConfig
log?: { level?: TLogeLevel }
cache?: TCacheConfig | TCacheImpl
warmup?: boolean | number
type TValidationContext = {
options: any,
rule: TRule,
entry: Record<string, any>
boundContext: {
logger: TLogger
registry: string
authorization?: string
entrypoint: string
name: string
org?: string
version?: string
type TPlugin = {
(context: TValidationContext): LetAsync<TPolicy>
type TAppOpts = {
logger?: TLogger
cache?: TCacheImpl
export function createApp(config: string | TConfig, opts?: TAppOpts): Promise<TApp>
type TLoggerOptions = {
extra?: Record<string, any>,
formatter?: (logCtx: {level: string, msgChunks: string[], extra: Record<string, any>}) => string
export function createLogger(options: TLoggerOptions): TLogger
export function getPercentiles(name: string, percentiles: number[]): number[]
export function getMetricsDigest(): Record<string, any>
"server": {
"host": "localhost", // Defaults to
"port": 3000, // 8080 by default
"secure": { // Optional. If declared serves via https
"cert": "ssl/cert.pem",
"key": "ssl/key.pem"
"entrypoint": "", // Optional. Defaults to `${ ? 'https' : 'http'}://${}:${server.port}${server.base}`
"base": "/", // Optional. Defaults to '/'
"healthcheck": "/health", // Optional. Defaults to '/healthcheck'. Pass null to disable
"metrics": "/metrics", // Optional. Uptime, CPU and memory usage. Defaults to '/metrics'. null to disable
"keepAliveTimeout": 15000, // Optional. Defaults to 61000
"headersTimeout": 20000, // Optional. Defaults to 62000
"requestTimeout": 10000 // Optional. Defaults to 30000
// Optional. See `http(s).Agent` docs for details. Defaults to:
"agent": {
"keepAliveMsecs": 5000,
"keepAlive": true,
"maxSockets": 10000,
"timeout": 10000
"log": {
"level": "info" // Optional. Defaults to 'info'
"cache": { // Optional. Defaults to no-cache (null)
"ttl": 5, // Time to live in minutes. Specifies how long resolved pkg directives will live.
"evictionTimeout": 1, // Cache invalidation period in minutes. Defaults to cache.ttl.
"limit": 1000000 // Optional. Max cache size in bytes. Defaults to Infinity
"zlib": "fflate", // Optional. Defined a custom zlib provider. Defaults to 'node:zlib'
"warmup": true, // Optional. Lets the prefetcher guess the next packages to load. Defaults to true (infinity). If set to a number, limits the fetching depth.
"firewall": {
"/foo": { // Context path
"registry": "", // Remote registry
"token": "NpmToken.*********-e0b2a8e5****", // Optional bearer token. If empty req.headers.authorization value will be used instead
"entrypoint": "", // Optional. Defaults to `${ ? 'https' : 'http'}://${}:${server.port}${route.base}`
"extends": "@qiwi/internal-npm-registry-firewall-rules", // Optional. Populates the entry with the specified source contents (json/CJS module only)
"rules": [
"policy": "allow",
"org": "@qiwi"
"policy": "allow",
"name": ["@babel/*", "@jest/*", "lodash"] // string[] or "comma,separated,list". * works as .+ in regexp
"policy": "warn", // `warn` directive works like `allow`, but also logs if someone has requested a tarball matching the rule
"name": "reqresnext"
"policy": "deny",
"extends": "@qiwi/nrf-rule", // `extends` may be applied at any level, and should return a valid value for the current config section
"plugin": ["npm-registry-firewall/audit", {"moderate": "warn", "critical": "deny"}]
"policy": "deny",
"name": "colors",
"version": ">= v1.4.0" // Any semver range:
"policy": "deny",
"license": "dbad" // Comma-separated license types or string[]
"policy": "allow",
"username": ["sindresorhus", "isaacs"] // Trusted npm authors.
"policy": "allow",
"name": "d",
// `allow` is upper, so it protects `< 1.0.0`-ranged versions that might be omitted on next steps
"version": "< 1.0.0"
"policy": "deny",
// Checks pkg version publish date against the range
"dateRange": ["2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"]
"policy": "allow",
"age": 5 // Check the package version is older than 5 days. Like quarantine
You can declare as many separate firewall profiles as you need.
"server": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3001
"cache": {
"ttl": 1
"firewall": {
"/registry": {
"registry": "",
"rules": [{
"policy": "deny",
"name": "colors",
"version": ">= v1.3.0"
"/block-all": {
"registry": ["", ""],
"rules": { "policy": "deny", "name": "*" }
"/npm-proxy": {
"registry": ""
"/yarn-proxy": {
"registry": "",
// fallback firewall
"*": {
"registry": "",
By default, nrf uses a simple in-memory cache to store patched packuments.
cache: { // Optional. Defaults to no-cache (null)
ttl: 5, // Time to live in minutes. Specifies how long resolved pkg directives will live.
evictionTimeout: 1, // Cache invalidation period in minutes. Defaults to cache.ttl.
limit: 1000000 // Optional. Max cache size in bytes. Defaults to Infinity
You can also provide your own implementation instead, for example, to create cassandra-based distributed cache:
import {createApp} from 'npm-registry-firewall'
const cache = {
add() {}, // each method may be async
has() {return false},
get() {},
del() {}
const app = createApp({
server: {port: 5000},
firewall: {
'/registry': {
registry: '',
rules: []
Or even a cache factory:
const cache = () => {
// ... init
return {
get() {},
Pass null
as config.firewall.cache
to disable.
Pass a custom implementation of http(s).Agent
to control the number of concurrent requests to the remote registry.
This feature is useful if your service is working behind a proxy.
import HttpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent'
const agent = new HttpsProxyAgent('')
const app = createApp({
server: {port: 5000},
firewall: {
'/registry': {
registry: '',
rules: []
Or just set the agent
option to create an agent:
const app = createApp({
server: {port: 5000},
agent: {
keepAliveMsecs: 5000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: 10_000,
timeout: 10_000
firewall: {
'/registry': {
registry: '',
rules: []
Introduce your own reusable snippets via extends
or preset
. This statement can be applied at any config level and should return a valid value for the current section. The specified path will be loaded synchronously through require
, so it must be a JSON or CJS module.
const config = {
// should return `firewall` and `servers`
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-std-config',
server: {
port: 5000,
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-server-config'
firewall: {
'/registry': {
// `rules`, `registry`, etc,
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-firewall-config',
// NOTE If you redefine `rules` the result will be contatenation of `[...rules, ...extends.rules]`
rules: [{
policy: 'deny',
// `name`, `org`, `filter`, etc
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-deprecated-pkg-list'
}, {
policy: 'allow',
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-whitelisted-orgs'
}, {
extends: '@qiwi/nrf-all-in-one-filter'
For example, extends
as a filter:
// '@qiwi/nrf-all-in-one-filter'
module.exports = {
filter({org, name, time, ...restPkgData}) {
if (name === 'react') {
return true
if (org === '@babel') {
return false
if (restPkgData.license === 'dbad') {
return false
The plugin API is slightly different from presets:
- Async. It's loaded dynamically as a part of rule processing pipeline, so it may be an ESM.
- Configurable. Opts may be passed as the 2nd tuple arg.
- Composable. There may be more than one per
const rule1 = {
plugin: ['@qiwi/nrf-plugin']
const rule2 = {
plugin: [
['@qiwi/nrf-plugin', {foo: 'bar'}],
The plugin interface is an (async) function that accepts TValidationContext
and returns policy type value or false
as a result:
const plugin = ({
}) => === ? 'deny' : 'allow'
Some registries do not provide audit API, that's why the plugin is disabled by default. To activate, add a rule:
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/audit', {
critical: 'deny',
moderate: 'warn'
You can also specify the registry
option to override the inherited value.
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/audit', {
critical: 'deny',
registry: ''
Default plugin to filter packages by their fields. May be used directly or via shortcut as shown in examples above.
// Allow only mit-licensed versions of the `foo` lib
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/std', {
policy: 'allow',
name: 'foo',
license: 'mit'
// equals to:
policy: 'allow',
name: 'foo',
license: 'mit'
// Allow any mit-licensed or `foo` lib or any `babel` package
plugin: [['npm-registry-firewall/std', {
policy: 'allow',
name: 'foo',
org: 'babel',
license: 'mit',
cond: 'or' // Optional. Defaults to `and`
To check the specified package version against the applied registry rules trigger its _check
For one package:
curl -X GET -k https://localhost:3000/registry/_check/eventsource/1.1.0
# {"eventsource@1.1.0":"deny"}
To inspect a bulk on entries at once:
curl -X POST -k https://localhost:3000/registry/_check/bulk -d '["eventsource@1.1.0"]'
# {"eventsource@1.1.0":"deny"}
"uptime": "00:00:47",
"memory-usage-rss": 34320384,
"memory-usage-heap-total": 6979584,
"memory-usage-heap-used": 5632224,
"memory-usage-external": 855222,
"memory-usage-array-buffers": 24758,
"cpu-usage-user": 206715,
"cpu-usage-system": 51532,
"http-time-p50": 285,
"http-time-p75": 546,
"http-time-p95": 1166,
"http-time-p99": 1814,
"response-time-p50": 395,
"response-time-p75": 1497,
"response-time-p95": 1523,
"response-time-p99": 1902
You can also obtain the metrics programmatically:
import { getPercentiles, getMetricsDigest } from 'npm-registry-firewall'
getPercentiles('response-time', [0.5, 0.9, 0.99]) // [234, 313, 701]
getMetricsDigest() // { uptime: '00:00:47', memory: { rss: 34320384, ... }, ... }
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:47.031Z","message":"npm-registry-firewall is ready for connections: https://localhost:3000"}
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:49.568Z","traceId":"44f21c050d8c6","clientIp":"","message":"GET /d"}
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:50.015Z","traceId":"44f21c050d8c6","clientIp":"","message":"HTTP 200 446ms"}
You can override the default implementation if needed:
import { createLogger, createApp } from 'npm-registry-firewall'
const logger = createLogger(
{foo: 'bar'}, // extra to mix
({level, msgChunks, extra}) => JSON.stringify({
msg: => '' + m),
mdc_trace: {spanId: extra.traceId, traceId: extra.traceId, bar:},
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
const app = createApp(cfg, {logger})
# node src/main/js/cli.js config.json
yarn start
npm view
npm-registry-firewall % npm view d versions
[ '0.1.0', '0.1.1' ]
curl -k https://localhost:3000/registry/minimist/-/minimist-1.2.6.tgz > minimist.tgz
curl -k https://localhost:3000/registry/react > react.json
v1 configuration was definitely too flexible, too complex and too error-prone. v2 is aimed to simplify the config and make it more predictable:
- there's only one
sections now base
path cannot be/
to avoid pkg name clashes with/health
endpoints.- firewall
paths are defined as map keys, so they must be unique cache
cannot be a factory. Pass cache opts of instance directly instead
In other words, multi-server-config
is not supported anymore. But you can still use this scheme via JS API:
import { createRoutes, createServer } from 'npm-registry-firewall'
const config = loadConfig('path/to/config.json')
const routes = createRoutes(config)
const routeMap = config.firewalls.reduce((acc, f, i) => {
acc[f.base] = routes[i]
return acc
}, {})
const serverFoo = createServer({port: 3000, router: routeMap['/foo']})
const serverBar = createServer({port: 3001, router: routeMap['/bar']})
Sum up, the prev config:
server: {port: 5000},
agent: {
keepAliveMsecs: 5000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: 10_000,
timeout: 10_000
firewall: [{
base: '/foo',
registry: '',
rules: [],
cache: {
ttl: 5,
evictionTimeout: 1,
limit: 1_000_000
}, {
base: '/bar',
registry: '',
comes to:
server: {port: 5000},
agent: {
keepAliveMsecs: 5000,
cache: {
ttl: 5,
evictionTimeout: 1,
limit: 1_000_000
firewall: {
'/foo': {
registry: '',
rules: [],
'/bar': {
registry: '',
It seems possible to avoid using package managers to patch lockfiles in the future. The algorithm will be greatly simplified:
- Invoke the registry audit API directly.
- Read, modify and write lockfiles. @antongolub/lockfile is aimed to solve this issue.
Feel free to open any issues: bug reports, feature requests or questions. You're always welcome to suggest a PR. Just fork this repo, write some code, put some tests and push your changes. Any feedback is appreciated.