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Repository files navigation website

This repository holds the source code for generating the website. The documentation contents for the website are not primarily hosted here, but instead are mirrored from the main Antrea repository. To improve or fix a documentation page, you will need to open a PR in that repository, and not this one.

Building the website locally


  • Hugo
    • macOS: brew install hugo
    • Windows: choco install hugo-extended -confirm


hugo server --disableFastRender


Access site at http://localhost:1313

Website updates

The website is automatically updated every time the antrea-io/antrea main branch is updated (or rather, every time the documentation is updated), and every time a new Antrea release is created. When either one of these events happens, the Update website source Github workflow is triggered in this repo. The necessary scripts take care of updating the correct docs, with the changes being committed to main. by the Github workflow directly (as the antrea-bot Github user). The workflow takes care of updating all the necessary "metadata" in the case of a new Antrea release: TOC file, TOC mapping file, Hugo's configuration file, etc.

To modify website source files, you can open a PR by following the Antrea contribution guidelines. Please note that manual changes to content/docs/ should be avoided. In particular, any manual change to the main version of the docs will be overwriten by the Update website source Github workflow.

Define a new Golang vanity import path

To configure the vanity import path for a new Golang module hosted in the antrea-io Github organization, you need to open a PR with the following changes:

  • add the appropriate entry to static/_redirects
  • add a new HTML file under static/golang/, e.g., static/golang/<new repo name>.html; add the necessary HTML content (look at existing files for reference)

Removing old versions

When a version of Antrea is no longer supported, it is a good idea to remove it from the drop-down navigation menu, by editing config.yaml. The actual documentation does not need to be removed from the contents/ directory, unless website size becomes an issue. In doing so, we ensure that old links will keep working, while also decluttering the website.