- C++ STL
- Pairs
- Vectors
- Forward_list and list
- Dequeue
- Stack
- Queue
- Priority Queue
- Set and Multiset
- Maps and Multimaps
- Unordered_set
- Unordered_map
- Non Mutating STL Algorithms
- Mutating STL Algorithms
- Miscellaneous
- Arrays | Strings - Basic
- Mathematics
- Number Theory
- Recusrion
- Backtracking
- Binary Search
- Sorting & Searching
- Bit Manipulation
- Linked Lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Binary Trees
- Binary Search Trees
- Heaps + Heapsort
- Hashing
- Graphs - Basic
- Dynamic Programming
- Graphs - Advanced
- Tries
- Disjoint Sets
- Segment Trees
- Fendwick Trees
- Greedy Algorithms
- Game Theory
- Advanced DS
- Mo's Algorithm
- Strings - Advanced
- Heavy Light Decomposition | Fast Fourier Theorem
- CP Handbook:-> Concise & to the point theory and CODE SNIPPETS. #Primary_Book2
- Antti Laaksonen:-> Good book, at time of understanding topics. #Primary_Book2
- CLRS:-> At the end of a big topic, Correctness and proofs.
- Algorithm Design Manual:-> Revision advanced
- Programming Challenges Skienna:-> Summary and Problems
- CP3:-> Revision and practicing problems (at last).
- pairs and vectors
- forward_list & list
- Dequeue
- Stack
- Queue
- Priority Queue
- Set and Multiset
- Maps and Multimap
- Unordered Set
- Unordered Map
- STL Algorithms and Extra Features
- Binary and Matrix Exponentiation + Other basic math operations
- Sqrt(n) primality testing
- Euclid's GCD Algorithm
- Prime no's and divisibility of no's
- Modulo Arithmetic Basics
- Pointers
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Bit manipulation Basics
- Basic Recursion
- DP Basics
- Array Techniques and problems
- Searching | Binary Search and Ternary Search
- Sorting | Sorting in linear time
- Matrix
- Hashing
- Strings
- Bit Manipulation Advanced Techniques
- Linear Diophantine equations
- Number Theoretic functions
- Advanced Recursion and Backtracking
- Linked Lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Deque
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Priority Queues | Heaps
- Tries
- Graphs
- DP Advanced
- Greedy
- Disjoint Set
- Segment Trees with lazy propagation
- Fenwick Trees
- Graphs Advanced
- Game Theory
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Modulo Arithmetic Advanced
- Amortized Analysis
- Divide and Conquer
- Mo's Algorithm | Sqrt Decomposition | HLD
- Computational Geometry
Fork the repo and prepare with the free resourses available. All contributions are welcome.
Hope it easied your life a bit.