Update Demo #812
7 errors and 1 notice
1) [chromium] › admin/BookCreate.spec.ts:30:7 › Create a book @admin › I cannot create a book with an already used Open Library value @READ
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toBeVisible()
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByText('This value is already used.')
45 | // submit form
46 | await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save", exact: true }).click();
> 47 | await expect(page.getByText("This value is already used.")).toBeVisible();
| ^
48 | });
49 | });
50 |
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/BookCreate.spec.ts:47:65
1) [chromium] › admin/BookCreate.spec.ts:30:7 › Create a book @admin › I cannot create a book with an already used Open Library value @READ
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toBeVisible()
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByText('This value is already used.')
45 | // submit form
46 | await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save", exact: true }).click();
> 47 | await expect(page.getByText("This value is already used.")).toBeVisible();
| ^
48 | });
49 | });
50 |
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/BookCreate.spec.ts:47:65
2) [chromium] › admin/ReviewsList.spec.ts:54:7 › Admin reviews list @admin › I can filter the list @READ
Error: locator.fill: Error: strict mode violation: getByLabel('User') resolved to 2 elements:
1) <input value="" id="user" name="user" type="text" role=…/> aka getByRole('combobox', { name: 'User' })
2) <ul role="listbox" id="user-listbox" aria-labelledby…>…</ul> aka getByRole('listbox', { name: 'User' })
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for getByLabel('User')
at admin/pages/ReviewPage.ts:28
26 | await this.page.getByRole("menu").getByText("User").waitFor({ state: "visible" });
27 | await this.page.getByRole("menu").getByText("User").click();
> 28 | await this.page.getByLabel("User").fill(filters.user);
| ^
29 | await this.page.getByRole("listbox").getByText(filters.user, { exact: true }).click();
30 | await this.page.waitForResponse(/\/reviews/);
31 | }
at ReviewPage.filter (/home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/pages/ReviewPage.ts:28:42)
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/ReviewsList.spec.ts:72:5
2) [chromium] › admin/ReviewsList.spec.ts:54:7 › Admin reviews list @admin › I can filter the list @READ
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.fill: Error: strict mode violation: getByLabel('User') resolved to 2 elements:
1) <input value="" id="user" name="user" type="text" role=…/> aka getByRole('combobox', { name: 'User' })
2) <ul role="listbox" id="user-listbox" aria-labelledby…>…</ul> aka getByRole('listbox', { name: 'User' })
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for getByLabel('User')
at admin/pages/ReviewPage.ts:28
26 | await this.page.getByRole("menu").getByText("User").waitFor({ state: "visible" });
27 | await this.page.getByRole("menu").getByText("User").click();
> 28 | await this.page.getByLabel("User").fill(filters.user);
| ^
29 | await this.page.getByRole("listbox").getByText(filters.user, { exact: true }).click();
30 | await this.page.waitForResponse(/\/reviews/);
31 | }
at ReviewPage.filter (/home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/pages/ReviewPage.ts:28:42)
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/admin/ReviewsList.spec.ts:56:5
3) [chromium] › BooksList.spec.ts:93:7 › Books list › I can filter the list @READ ────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveValue(expected)
Expected string: ""
Received string: "Hyperion"
Call log:
- expect.toHaveValue with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByTestId('filter-title')
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
- locator resolved to <div data-testid="filter-title" class="MuiFormControl…>…</div>
- unexpected value "Hyperion"
118 | await page.getByTestId("book").first().locator("a").nth(2).click();
119 | await expect(page.getByTestId("filter-author")).toHaveValue("Dan Simmons");
> 120 | await expect(page.getByTestId("filter-title")).toHaveValue("");
| ^
121 | expect(await page.getByTestId("filter-condition-used").isChecked()).toBeFalsy();
122 | await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/books\?author=Dan\+Simmons$/);
123 | await expect(page.getByTestId("nb-books")).toHaveText("1 book(s) found");
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/BooksList.spec.ts:120:52
3) [chromium] › BooksList.spec.ts:93:7 › Books list › I can filter the list @READ ────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveURL(expected)
Expected pattern: /\/books\?author=Dan\+Simmons$/
Received string: "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
Call log:
- expect.toHaveURL with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator(':root')
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
- locator resolved to <html>…</html>
- unexpected value "https://localhost/books?author=Dan%20Simmons"
120 | await expect(page.getByTestId("filter-title")).toHaveValue("");
121 | expect(await page.getByTestId("filter-condition-used").isChecked()).toBeFalsy();
> 122 | await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/books\?author=Dan\+Simmons$/);
| ^
123 | await expect(page.getByTestId("nb-books")).toHaveText("1 book(s) found");
124 | await expect(page.getByTestId("book").or(page.getByTestId("loading"))).toHaveCount(1);
125 | await expect(page.getByTestId("pagination")).toHaveCount(0);
at /home/runner/work/demo/demo/pwa/tests/BooksList.spec.ts:122:24
3 failed
[chromium] › admin/BookCreate.spec.ts:30:7 › Create a book @admin › I cannot create a book with an already used Open Library value @READ
[chromium] › admin/ReviewsList.spec.ts:54:7 › Admin reviews list @admin › I can filter the list @READ
[chromium] › BooksList.spec.ts:93:7 › Books list › I can filter the list @READ ─────────────────
23 passed (1.5m)
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.