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FastAPI Material Kit


Product Roadmap

Status Item info
Up-to-date Dependencies -
Material Kit (Free Version) by Creative-Tim
UI Kit Bootstrap 5, Dark-Mode (persistent)
Persistence SQLite, MySql
Basic Authentication classic user/password
API Products & Sales (linked tables)
GET Requests (public), get/, get/id
Mutating requests (Create, UPD, DEL) (reserved for authenticated users)
Docker Simple Setup (local usage)
OAuth Github OAuth Provider
Unitary tests minimal suite

Material Kit - Starter generated by AppSeed.

FastAPI Material Kit - Open-source Starter provided by AppSeed

  1. create a virtual environment with python -m venv venv
  2. activate the virtual environment, likely source venv/Scripts/active
  3. install the requirements pip install -r requirements
  4. uvicorn