This is Ensemble Runtime that is essentially an interpreter for the Ensemble declarative language written in Flutter. Signup for Ensemble studio here - to see how the EDL (Ensemble Declarative Language) is used to build front-ends.
To run Ensemble locally using Android Studio or VCS, you will need to download the Ensemble Starter repo here -
and edit the following files as follows -
- change the ensemble/appId to your app's Id. If you are just starting off, you can use the Kitchen Sink app's id as an example. It is e24402cb-75e2-404c-866c-29e6c3dd7992
- You can always find your app's id in the from the right side 3 dot menu.
and following the instructions in the readme of to run locally.
- All the ensemble widgets are here -
- run the Kitchen Sink app - when running locally use the appId as described above.
- See how each widget works and how the yaml is mapped to the Flutter widget
- In the studio, create your own app and screens with your widget (or enhanced widget). Make sure you can test locally and it works fine
- When ready, create a pull request and we will review and provide feedback.