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Damien L-G edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 6 revisions

ArborX / Spatial indexes


Defined in header <ArborX_LinearBVH.hpp>

template <typename MemorySpace>
class BoundingVolumeHierarchy;

The class template ArborX::BoundingVolumeHierarchy is a tree data structure that can be used to accelerate the search for geometrical objects in space.

ArborX defines the ArborX::BVH alias template for convenience.

template <typename MemorySpace>
using BVH = BoundingVolumeHierarchy<MemorySpace>;

Template parameter

MemorySpace : A valid Kokkos memory space.

Member types

Member type Definition
memory_space MemorySpace
size_type MemorySpace::size_type
bounding_volume_type ArborX::Box

Member functions

(constructor) constructs the tree data structure
size returns the number of leaves stored in the tree
empty checks whether the tree has no leaves
bounds returns a bounding volume able to contain all leaves stored in the tree
query finds all leaves that satisfy given predicates, e.g. nearest to a point or intersecting with a box or a sphere