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Wraps the NanoVG 2D graphics library in a text protocol and a Scheme library.


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NanoVG-REPL is a simple wrapper around NanoVG, a small antialiased vector graphics rendering library for OpenGL. It makes NanoVG’s API accessible through a simple text protocol. In other words, NanoVG-REPL provides a Read-Eval-Print Loop for running NanoVG commands. You can easily use it from any programming language. Just make your program send commands to stdout, read responses from stdin, and listen for asychronous events (e.g. keyboard and mouse events) on a named pipe.

Communicating with the graphics system over pipes is not as fast as making direct foreign function calls. However, for simple animations, it’s easy to reach more than 200 frames per second on modern hardware this way. For many applications, the benefits of isolating C code into a separate process and using a simple, portable text protocol outweigh the drawbacks. It’s easy to experiment, so it’s a great way to get started on a new idea. The graphics primitives are universal, so if performance becomes an issue, it should be possible to port your program to another, faster system.

NanoVG-REPL includes a wrapper that makes it accessible from Scheme. It has been ported to Chibi Scheme and MIT/GNU Scheme. Porting it to other Schemes — or even other languages — should be straightforward.

While NanoVG itself is known to work on Linux, MacOS, and Windows, I’ve only tested NanoVG-REPL on Linux and MacOS. At least one part of the Scheme wrapper, make-fifo, needs porting to work on Windows.

The animation above shows Stomachion, one of the demos in the examples/ directory.

How to Build It

  • NanoVG and NanoVG-REPL must be in peer directories, i.e. in directories that have the same parent directory.
  • Premake must be installed.
  • All the dependencies NanoVG requires for your platform, e.g. GLFW and OpenGL, must be installed. For example, on Linux:
    sudo apt install libglew-dev
    sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
  • Build NanoVG:
    cd ~/project/nanovg/
    premake5 gmake   # For Linux.  See Premake documentation for other platforms.
    cd build/
    make nanovg
  • Build NanoVG-REPL:
    cd ~/project/nanovg-repl/
    premake5 gmake   # For Linux.  See Premake documentation for other platforms.
    cd build/
    make repl


To get an idea of how NanoVG-REPL works, take a look at these examples, which are written as bash shell scripts in order to prove that they’re entirely portable even to least-common-denominator languages:

  •, which displays a rotating image
  •, which displays a flashing Moiré pattern
  •, which displays a rotating Ostomachion puzzle

There are Scheme versions of each of those demos, too:

  • image.scm
  • moire.scm
  • stomachion.scm


To run the Stomachion demo under bash:

cd nanovg-repl/examples/ && ./

To run the Image demo under bash:

cd nanovg-repl/examples/ && ./

To run the Moire demo under bash:

cd nanovg-repl/examples/ && ./

Chibi Scheme

To run the Stomachion demo under Chibi Scheme:

cd nanovg-repl/
chibi-scheme \
  -I src/ \
  -I examples/ \
  -x '(stomachion)' \
  -e '(stomachion ".")'

To run the Image demo under Chibi Scheme:

cd nanovg-repl/
chibi-scheme \
  -I src/ \
  -I examples/ \
  -x '(image)' \
  -e '(image-demo ".")'

To run the Moire demo under Chibi Scheme:

cd nanovg-repl/
chibi-scheme \
  -I src/ \
  -I examples/ \
  -x '(moire)' \
  -e '(moire ".")'

MIT/GNU Scheme

To run the demos under MIT/GNU Scheme version 11.2 and later, first:

cd nanovg-repl/
(load-option 'synchronous-subprocess)
(find-scheme-libraries! ".")

Then, for the Stomachion demo:

,(import (stomachion))
(stomachion ".")

or for the Image demo:

,(import (image))
(image-demo ".")

or for the Moire demo:

,(import (moire))
(moire ".")


The NanoVG-REPL protocol follows NanoVG’s API closely, but not exactly. There are NanoVG commands for most NanoVG functions, but some are omitted. Some commands don’t correspond to any NanoVG function, e.g. commands for turning on and off delivery of keyboard, mouse, and window events.

command line

Before your program begins sending commands to NanoVG-REPL, it must start the repl program, passing it the desired initial window width and height, the window title, and the filename of a named pipe that you have already created. The pipe will be used to deliver asynchronous events to your program.

repl initial-window-width initial-window-height window-title events-filename

For example:

rm -f /tmp/nanovg-repl-events
mkfifo -m 600 /tmp/nanovg-repl-events
repl 1024 768 "Hello, world." /tmp/nanovg-repl-events

communicating with the NanoVG-REPL process

Once the NanoVG-REPL subprocess has been started, it displays its window. The subprocess will accept commands, one per line, on stdin. Any return values for a command will be printed on a single line on stdout.

Any asynchronous events, including keyboard or mouse input or notification of window size changes, will be delivered on the named pipe events-filename. (See command line.) The caller should make sure to read that named pipe frequently so that it can act on those events.

The subprocess will continue running until either an error occurs or the shutdown command is invoked. When either of those happens, the subprocess will close the window and exit.


Each command takes specific argument types, separated by spaces. Each type is represented using its standard textual representation from C’s printf. The types are:

  • byte (C unsigned char)

    Boolean values are represented by byte. 1 is true, and 0 is false.

  • float

    For example:

  • int

    For example:

  • string (C char *)

    Strings are delivered as two values: a byte count, followed by a space, followed by the bytes that make up the string. For example:

    13 Hello, world.

When the NanoVG protocol expects a color, it is broken down into the four RGBA components, each as a separate argument. In most cases, each is a byte. For example, here’s a translucent green:

0 255 0 127

The float and int types are also used for return values. Some commands return more than one value, or an array of values. For example, current-transform returns six floats, which are listed as float[6] in the documentation, and might appear like this in a response:

1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000

registered return values

Some NanoVG functions return paint values (NVGpaint). The corresponding commands register the value in a table, then return an ID instead. When the caller is finished with a paint value, it must invoke unregister on the value’s ID. This allows NanoVG-REPL to reclaim the corresponding memory.

There are other return values that are IDs, e.g. font IDs and image IDs, but unregister is only used for paint values.

The delete-image command is used to reclaim the memory used by an image.


Each command below is listed with its arguments and their types. If the command returns any values, they are listed after the “→” arrow. Except where noted, each command does the same thing as the similarly named NanoVG function.

  • add-fallback-font string base-font, string fallback-font
  • add-fallback-font-id int base-font, int fallback-font
  • arc float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, int dir
  • arc-to float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius
  • begin-frame float window-width, float window-height, float device-pixel-ratio
  • begin-path
  • bezier-to float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y
  • box-gradient float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, float f, byte icolr, byte icolg, byte icolb, byte icola, byte ocolr, byte ocolg, byte ocolb, byte ocola → int paint-id
  • circle float cx, float cy, float r
  • clear byte color-buffer-bit, byte depth-buffer-bit, byte stencil-buffer-bit

    This command corresponds to glClear. Each byte is a Boolean value representing whether that bit is turned on.

  • clear-color float r, float g, float b, float a
  • close-path
  • close-window

    This command corresponds to glfwSetWindowShouldClose with GL_TRUE.

  • create-font string name, string filename → int font-id
  • create-font-at-index string name, string filename, int index → int font-id
  • create-image string filename, int image-flags → int image-id
  • current-transform → float[6] transform
  • delete-image int image
  • ellipse float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry
  • end-frame
  • fill
  • fill-color byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a
  • fill-paint int paint-id
  • find-font string name → int font-id
  • font-blur float blur
  • font-face string font
  • font-face-id int font
  • font-size float size
  • frame-buffer-size → int fb-width, int fb-height

    This command corresponds to glfwGetFramebufferSize.

  • global-alpha float alpha
  • image-pattern float cx, float cy, float w, float h, float angle, int image, float alpha → int paint-id
  • image-size int image → int w, int h
  • intersect-scissor float x, float y, float w, float h
  • key-input-events byte on

    This command turns delivery of key input events on or off. It corresponds to glfwSetKeyCallback.

  • linear-gradient float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, byte icolr, byte icolg, byte icolb, byte icola, byte ocolr, byte ocolg, byte ocolb, byte ocola → int paint-id
  • line-cap int cap
  • line-join int join
  • line-to float x, float y
  • miter-limit float limit
  • mouse-button-events byte on

    This command turns delivery of mouse button events on or off. It corresponds to glfwSetMouseButtonCallback.

  • mouse-position-events byte on

    This command turns delivery of mouse position events on or off. It corresponds to glfwSetCursorPosCallback.

  • move-to float x, float y
  • path-winding int dir
  • ping string string
  • poll-events

    This command corresponds to glfwPollEvents.

  • quad-to float cx, float cy, float x, float y
  • radial-gradient float cx, float cy, float inr, float outr, byte icolr, byte icolg, byte icolb, byte icola, byte ocolr, byte ocolg, byte ocolb, byte ocola → int paint-id
  • rect float x, float y, float w, float h
  • reset
  • reset-fallback-fonts string base-font
  • reset-fallback-fonts-id int base-font
  • reset-scissor
  • reset-transform
  • restore
  • rotate float angle
  • rounded-rect float x, float y, float w, float h, float r
  • rounded-rect-varying float x, float y, float w, float h, float rad-top-left, float rad-top-right, float rad-bottom-right, float rad-bottom-left
  • save
  • scale float x, float y
  • scissor float x, float y, float w, float h
  • shape-anti-alias int enabled
  • shutdown

    This command closes the NanoVG-REPL window and exits its process.

  • skew-x float angle
  • skew-y float angle
  • stroke
  • stroke-color byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a
  • stroke-paint int paint-id
  • stroke-width float width
  • swap-buffers

    This command correpsonds to glfwSwapBuffers.

  • text float x, float y, string string → float result
  • text-align int align
  • text-bounds float x, float y, string string → float result, float[4] bounds
  • text-box float x, float y, float break-row-width, string string
  • text-box-bounds float x, float y, float break-row-width, string string → float[4] bounds
  • text-input-events byte on

    This command turns delivery of text input events on or off. It corresponds to glfwSetCharCallback.

  • text-letter-spacing float spacing
  • text-line-height float line-height
  • text-metrics → float ascender, float descender, float lineh
  • transform float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f
  • translate float x, float y
  • unregister int id

    This command is used to free memory associated with paint objects returned by other commands.

  • viewport int x, int y, int w, int h

    This corresponds to glViewport.

  • window-size → int window-width, int win-height

    This command corresponds to glfwGetWindowSize.

  • window-should-close?

    This command corresponds to glfwWindowShouldClose.

  • window-size-change-events byte on

    This command corresponds to glfwSetWindowSizeCallback.


Asynchronous events are delivered on the named pipe events-filename. Events are encoded like commands, with spaces separating their arguments.

  • key-input int key, int code, int mods

    This event corresponds to the callback set by glfwSetKeyCallback. Only key presses, not releases, are delivered.

  • mouse-button int button, int action, int mods

    This event corresponds to the callback set by glfwSetMouseButtonCallback.

  • mouse-position float xpos, float ypos

    This event corresponds to the callback set by glfwSetCursorPosCallback.

  • text-input int code-point

    This event corresponds to the callback set by glfwSetCharCallback.

  • window-size-changed int width, int height

    This event corresponds to the callback set by glfwSetWindowSizeCallback.

Scheme API

The Scheme API for NanoVG-REPL corresponds closely to the protocol described above. There is a procedure corresponding to each command listed above.


The argument types and return types of the procedures are the same as those of the corresponding commands except that the following procedures take a Scheme Boolean value instead of a 1 or 0:

  • key-input-events
  • mouse-button-events
  • mouse-position-events
  • text-input-events
  • window-size-change-events

and the window-should-close? procedure returns a Boolean.

creating a window

To create a window using the Scheme API, call make-nanovg-window. It takes the pathname of the repl program, an initial width and height, and a window title:

(make-nanovg-window repl-pathname initial-window-width initial-window-height window-title)

For example:

(make-nanovg-window "nanovg-repl/build/repl" 800 800 "Example Window Title")

current window

Most procedures in the Scheme API take an implicit parameter, the current window. This is set in a dynamic scope using Scheme’s standard parameterize syntax. For example:

(parameterize ((current-nanovg-window (make-nanovg-window ...)))

dispatching events

In order for programs to handle events, they must check for them at least periodically. This can be done in a separate thread, or it can be done by checking frequently in the same thread in which drawing occurs.

To read an event, call read-nanovg-event. It returns two values: the event name and a list of the event’s arguments. If there is no event ready, it returns #f for both.

For convenience, dispatch-event can be used instead. It provides a simple way to declare what should be done if no event is ready, what should be done for each possible event type, and what should be done in every other case.

(dispatch-event [(no-events action ...)]
                ((event-name) action ...) ...
                [(else action ...)])

For example:

(dispatch-event (no-events #f)
                ((mouse-button button action mods) '(click))
                ((mouse-position xpos ypos) `(position ,xpos ,ypos))
                (else (error "Unexpected event.")))


When make-nanovg-window is called to create a window, it creates a named pipe as well. Once the current NanoVG-REPL window has been closed using shutdown, it’s good to delete that named pipe. There are two ways to do that: manual and automatic. To delete it manually, call delete-nanovg-fifo. To delete it automatically, wrap all the code using the window in nanovg-cleanup:

(parameterize ((current-nanovg-window
                (make-nanovg-window repl-pathname
                                    "Example Window Title")))
   (lambda ()
     ;; ... Use the window.

When nanovg-cleanup returns, even due to an error, it will delete the named pipe.


Wraps the NanoVG 2D graphics library in a text protocol and a Scheme library.





