(Install to the Chainer installing step)
Server :
- broker (python)
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
- client (python)
sudo pip install paho-mqtt
End :
- client (C code)
sudo apt-get install open-ssl libssl-dev git clone cd org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.c.git sudo make sudo make install
- Server (cloud):
- Ubuntu 16.04 or higher version
- Python 2.7
- Nvidia vendor GPU or accelerator
- Device (end or edge):
- Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
- GCC (linux 5.4.0 or higher)
- (OpenCL 1.2 or 2.0)
Download the source code
The deployment has two part, Device and Server:
- Setup DDNN framework into server
cd Cloud_device cd Framework sudo ./
- Compile the C program which is generated.
cd End_device vim mqtt_async_t.h //Change borker of server IP by '#define ADDRESS "tcp://"' sudo ./ gcc Source.c -o output -lm -lpaho-mqtt3a
First execute Cloud and then execute the End device.
Run the broker at first
cd Cloud_device python
Run the inference request after broker is executed on server
cd End_device sudo chmod +x cifar10* ./