Simulator for Quanser's Coupled Tanks
The interface is compatible with the server used in course
"SISTEMAS DE CONTROLE (DCA0206)" of:Department of Computer Engineering and Automation - DCA
Center of Technology - CT
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, Natal, Brazil
- To configure the simulator, see line 30 and following lines.
- The system is multi-user, set at least maxClients to 2 if you want
to control and use the GUI.
- C code, needs pthread and OpenGL.
READ voltage. The Pressure sensor sensitivity is 6.25 cm/V
WRITE voltage
- Reading channel 0 (Level Tank 1)
"READ 0\n"
Everything ok, you will receive "%f\n"
Otherwise "WRG\n" - Reading channel 1 (Level Tank 2)
"READ 1\n"
Everything ok, you will receive "%f\n"
Otherwise "WRG\n" - Writing channel 0 (pump)
"WRITE 0 %f\n"
Everything ok, you will receive "ACK\n"
Otherwise "WRG\n"
- The files "logInput", "logOutput1" and "logOutput2" are generated by the SIGINT signal.
- See examples for plot with Octave, Scilab, Python and Matlab in "plot" directory.