Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Augusto Damasceno.
All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
- Run "" will backup your .vimrc file and copy the .vimrc file of this repository.
- If you don't have a .vimrc file, it just creates a new one for you.
- An english dictionary will be copied from Hunspell English Dictionaries (under a MIT-like license and BSD license for the affix file). See
- vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Open Vim and run :PlugInstall.
- YouCompleteMe completions for several programming languages
- Exuberant Ctags
# Debian
apt-get install exuberant-ctags
# Arch Linux
pacman -S ctags
# Fedora
dnf install ctags
# MacOS
brew install ctags
# FreeBSD
pkg install ctags
- See line numbers
- Highlight syntax
- Tabs are four columns wide
- Each indentation level is one tab
- Do not change tab for spaces
- Equal size windows
- English Dictionary completion
- Commands
- 'ctabs' : convert tabs into 4 spaces
- 'Rbeg' <NUM-CHARS> <REPLACE-WITH> : Replace beginning characters of a selection
- 'tags' : Show/Hide Tags
- Control + b : change buffer files
- Control + e : Got to the next error
- Control + i : Indent all lines
- Control + t : Open NERDTree file explorer
- Plugins
- vim-scripts/vim-asm: Adds support for assembly language syntax highlighting and features in Vim.
- dense-analysis/ale: ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin for real-time syntax checking and linting.
- majutsushi/tagbar: Tagbar provides an overview of the structure of code files, displaying tags in a sidebar.
- preservim/nerdtree: NERDTree is a file explorer tool that adds a navigable tree structure for files and directories.
- ycm-core/YouCompleteMe: YouCompleteMe is a fast, powerful code completion engine for Vim.
- itchyny/lightline.vim: Lightline is a lightweight status line/tabline for Vim, offering a visually appealing and informative status bar.
- nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides: Vim Indent Guides visually displays text indentation levels with subtly highlighted guides.